Author: Admin

Find The Best Pay Per Head Bookie Software Pay per head bookie solutions are a vital part of any independent bookmaking operation. You need the proper software products to successfully run and manage your private bookie business online. Given today’s ever-changing technology, it is next to impossible to try and duplicate these services on your own.

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Will eSports Become New Pastime? Esports is a spectator sport from across the globe, and it is based on popular video games like League of Legends and Fortnite. The amount of money that these titles have generated runs into billions of dollars. Just as it is in traditional sports, televised live entertainment, driven by athletes, are being produced by Riot Games, Epic Games, Activision and their licenses.

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Technoligy Improving Sports Betting? Sports betting is a mammoth industry in the USA, with 15 percent of the population betting on the NFL alone in 2019. That’s a whopping 38 million Americans who enjoy a stake in the country’s most popular spectator sport. Then there are all the other games like baseball, basketball, and ice hockey that also have bustling betting markets. Betting has been around in the US since the 1940s, but recent technological advances have made it better than it has ever been.

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