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over 1st 5 and game plays both chicago games, we are going with high era's and whips in the 1 and 2 teams in the top 10 in runs scored, pro hoop sides game plays charl, pho for now

Posted : April 10, 2018 12:41 pm
Posts: 36445
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Mlb overs Mets/mar, cinci/Phil's, atl/was, mil/cards, sd/rocks, tor/balt, Tex/angs, sea/kc, every 1 of these games involve either teams in the top 14 in runs scored, high era's, and whips or both in the same game Mets when toal is between 8 and 9 in Rd games, are 21-6 to the over last 2 years, Tex at home against winning teams is 40 - 16 to the over last 3 years, cinci 17-6 to the over on Tues. Last 2 years, just a couple examples, all picks for all games have numbers and reasons behind them

Posted : April 10, 2018 6:34 pm
Posts: 7610
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Posted : April 10, 2018 7:09 pm
Posts: 36445
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Couldn't"t get back fast took Yanks ml 1st 5/

Posted : April 10, 2018 7:14 pm
Posts: 7610
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You need to get a Chevy, Tim. You can get unlimited 4g wifi in the truck for $20 a month. I've got that shit. Best $20 I spend a month.

Posted : April 10, 2018 7:21 pm
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Mike I am so old school I wouldn't know how to work it I use an Android tablet, I bought an I phone, had it for 4 hrs.took it back got another flip phone, no bullshit they still have them, I hate new shit, nicky and Anthony laugh, I got the house computer, and we all have 2 computers at club in the backroom, and guys it's good I was late with Yanks 1st 5 play they are still playing bad, and Mike this is my last night am letting nicky and Anthony take over running the sites, phones, and club action am taking ur advice, if they need something they can call me, or if they get overwhelmged, ur right it's time but it's kinda like giving ur 16 year old kid the keys to the car none of these teams are doing anything tonight hit wise

Posted : April 10, 2018 8:14 pm
Posts: 3905
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Well once u give the keys away they can always be taken’s ying/yang

Posted : April 10, 2018 8:48 pm
Posts: 7610
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You connect it once and you are good to go forever. I've got an 8 year old son so when we go places it's like a gift for him to be able to entertain himself in my truck. My old lady gave him her old iphone when she got a new one and he carries that around with him wherever he goes. Definitely worth the $20. I use that shit too. I was waiting for like 45 minutes the other day and I watched a couple tv shows in my phone while I was sitting there.

I'm not like you in that I won't embrace new shit but I am old enough to remember when none of this shit seemed possible when I was a kid. The most fancy shit we had was a VCR and that shit was like from outer fucking space. We had one phone in the house, it was in the kitchen and when you got to be a teenager you begged your old man to go down to the radio shack to buy a 30 foot cord so you could take it around the corner and get some privacy to take to your bitch.

Last week was spring break around here and I took my son to The Henry Ford. Best museum on the planet. If you've never been, you should check it out. the questions this boy had were amazing. He'd never seen a rotatory phone, he'd never see a steam train, he'd never see an atlas. It's just incredible how far this world has come in such a short period of time. And I'm fucking young for the most part, 42. I can't even imagine what my old man thinks about his life. He's a baby boomer, world war 2 and all that shit. Now I've got internet in my truck, he must wake up every day and be like what the fuck?

Posted : April 10, 2018 8:54 pm
Posts: 3905
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Your old when U reply to this question
Did U see x show last night?
No but I taped it
Lol my daughter looks at me like
what tape?
Lol the old days of styling in the vcr when u could record shows and watch them later
I kinda tapped out around the high frequency trading era enough was enough I’m good listening to some seagulls and catching a wave that’s life to me

Posted : April 10, 2018 8:58 pm
Posts: 7610
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Fuck, I've been old for a while. I've got an 19 year old daughter also so I'm hitting it at both ends. This kid won't put her phone down for a half a second and what she does on it I haven't a fucking clue.

The difference between her and my boy is that she's a total fucking air head about just about everything. I will say shit to her and she will just stare at me and act like I'm fucking with her. Where as my son will get what I am saying and ask me some decent questions about it for an 8 year old.

These kids have no idea how shit used to be. And even me sorta as well. A lot of this stuff happened while I was growing up. I was like the only kid in high school that had a cell phone. And I never got it taken away because the teachers didn't even have one or know what it was. But looking back it was dumb to have because all the people I wanted to talk to were either with me or didn't have a phone. lol.

I was born in 75 when you didn't have cars with seat belts and if you did you didn't have to wear then, when your parents would still smoke in the car with the windows up and when you were a pussy if you didn't beat your kids. To see how different shit is in the last 40 years is insane to me.

I can't even imagine what my kids will experience in my lifetime. I've got a good 30 years left at least hopefully, what is the world gonna look like when I'm 60 or 70? so crazy

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:05 pm
Posts: 36445
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Surf Mike it's just the way it is with me I just hate fuckin change, and Mike everything you just said is so true I have 15 years on you but you know the way it was we rolled in hornets game I saw that early Tex/angs looks ok Mets/mar ok

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:07 pm
Posts: 3905
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Born in 67 so gotcha by a few life’s still amazing it’s the little things u remember 2nd grade recess circa 1972-73 I’d guess maybe 74 o j is my fave player so I dangle some rookie baseball players card to some guy who has like 13 oj cards I took all 13 I can’t remember who the guy I traded was wasn’t a superstar just a one year hotshot and for almost 20 years I had a swoon of a trade now it’s shit lol but I still got the cards

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:15 pm
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04/09/1961 for me

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:22 pm
Posts: 3905
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Happy late bday

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:24 pm
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Thanks brother we are getting some help from the later games it's picking up, dod have been quiet for the most part, out of league game tonight I have a good feeling about this game am firing 3 dimes on over in this game Ryu at 7.36 era yeah, dod will have to score to cover him max it boys trust me, Phil's just nailed a grand slam too

Posted : April 10, 2018 9:42 pm
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