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Posts: 36449
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You think your gonna hit every fuckin play out there, some days you win 10000, and some fuckin days you win 10 dollars, and some fuckin days you win not a fuckin thing, this is a week to week racket not fuckin day to day, lie a fuckin pay check, at the end of every fuckin week, that's what you base your results on, did I pick up money Tues or did I pay pay, I had Nicky do a break down for me in fuckin MLB awhile back, the numbers were something like 54 or 57 days green, 36 I think red and 15-17 no money either way, just like yesterday beat them up all fuckin day then stepped out, on ga lost but not bad 35%, beat them all-day today pretty much, blow clev 1st q, we move the fuck on, half the wins wins I had, no 1 was on at all, in the fuckin country had, not just here in the northeast

Posted : September 22, 2019 10:04 pm
Posts: 964
Noble Member

I don’t know what you are ranting and raving about but I am speaking facts ! I don’t expect to win every game in fact I am grateful for what you do and I follow you because you know what the fuck your doing but your not getting my point maybe others can help out with what I am saying ! But I will say this one more time for the last 7 weeks look at the records on Sunday night picks on baseball and football we were less than 10 percent if you want I will do the research and send it to you

Posted : September 22, 2019 10:22 pm
Posts: 3905
Famed Member

The Sunday and Monday games have been awkward this year....not blaming Tim the teams just seem to play different and the script do ant follow as it should
Look at tonite u have rams with Goff and Mcvay baker mayfield Odell b and these teams aren’t over 20 pts each yet late in 4 qu

Posted : September 22, 2019 10:46 pm
Posts: 3905
Famed Member

A decent day/weekend turned to crap on one game

Posted : September 22, 2019 11:41 pm
Posts: 964
Noble Member

Surf I get it but the only reason I am saying something its to point out a pattern that we can capitalize on. If I didn't give a shit I would not follow this website nor would I say anything. The only reason I am pointing this out is because of a consistent pattern on Sunday night games Period. Someone else can confirm what I am saying so I don't look crazy!

I will do more research and prove to you guys what I am talking about I look for patterns and numbers

here is a quick example of the last 4 weeks

9/22 Pick 4 way Cleveland 4 way over Loss Final Rams 20 Browns 13
9/22 Baseball Philly first 5 loss
9/15 Basball Mets Loss
9/15 Philly 4 way over Loss 24 Atlanta Philly 20
9/8 Pittsburgh 4 way side and over Loss NE 33-3
9/8 Redsox F &G Loss Yanks win outright
9/1 Huston Over Loss over for game but hit 2nd half bet over
9/1 St Luis and mets both losers straight up....Numbers lean towards cards winning by 2 and the game gone over by about 2 runs, Mets winning by 4 and the game going over by 3-4 runs

So again I only went back and looked at Sunday night games on TV for the last 4 weeks and we have not won the original game bet side or total. The trend goes back to begging of Aug!

Posted : September 22, 2019 11:49 pm
Posts: 3905
Famed Member

If your looking for a trend I’d separate the football and baseball plays agreed something isn’t right on Sunday nights but by the time we nail down the trend or problem it will more than likely have changed Monday’s doesn’t seem to have been a lot better
Maybe start small increase live during the game ? Or wait til halftime?

Posted : September 23, 2019 7:47 am
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