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mlb plays 4 fri. 8/19 with notes

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Amidst what is being said on this forum string I want to thank you for taking time out of your schedule everyday to post your predictions in MLB daily for us and I hope in the next week or so start seeing College and Pro Football selections from you.

I am not ashamed to admit it but I have been on a very bad streak just before the MLB All-Star break and the unders have absolutely crushed me as I love playing the overs and totals in general across all sports.

Call me stubborn on not wanting to play unders but the streak has been bad...hopefully you can throw me some luck my way.


Posted : August 19, 2016 5:52 pm
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i appreciate the words i was so down on myself a week b 4 the all star break and week after with my plays i almost quit posting, if it wasn't for mike cash i would have , i been through it b 4 but it doesn't help any, i new i had the right numbers plugged in, but the amount of 1 runs losses,,was getting ridiculous, but it swung back our way, i can't wait 4 football either, traditionaly the 1st 6 weeks of both r good over weeks, b 4 injuries set in, and teams start figuring out off., then it a little tougher, keep the faith my man will get em, your luck starts 2 night

Posted : August 19, 2016 6:33 pm
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Thanks pal, can you tell that to my old lady? She doesn't appreciate my pep talks.

Anyhow, one last thing I wanted to say is that win or lose, there is value in all information. A lot of people don't understand that. A guy who is fucking terrible is just as useful as a guy who is on fire.

Betting runs hot and cold, that is just the way it is. Being able to either ride it out or fade the slump is really all you need to be successful at this.

Posted : August 19, 2016 6:37 pm
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scratching cardinals 2 night not laying 186 or 160 4 the 1st 5, i don't care how good they look

Posted : August 19, 2016 6:54 pm
Posts: 7
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Timmy, thank you going to give it a shot with your plays today and stick with it and see what we can come up with.

Thank you looking forward to CFB and NFL seasons as I seem to do a little better there than with MLB overall.

Do you do any NHL totals by chance? I presume you do NBA and CBB?

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:02 pm
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i do coll. football, pro football, mlb, and nba that's it thats enough lol

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:22 pm
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timmy i rember my boss in the office when i was takeing action said kid this is a mf grind an as a kid i thought well im on the good side of things now ha ha first 3 weeks of football i had a makeup so big i never thought i would get out lol. but just like he said i got out they have there way for 3 week then bam our turn :dry: in this respect i think it the same for both sides except for the juice . that they lay .i rember a playoff game between buffalo bills an houston i only had 1 player on buffalo for half a dollar lol an when he called i said i hope your right . end of the game i kissed the TV lol

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:25 pm
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hey mike my kids listen to the wife more then they listen me, she will say go ask your father, they say y we have you, he's on the computer again

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:27 pm
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hey shark you gotta admit thow brother, when we were bookin, we had the best of it, when guys were down, they would chase money, especially going in to the last day bad money after bad, that's when i got my fill of it, i saw the look on these guys faces sometimes when they had to pay, i quit and jumped on the side of the bettor, am 58 yrs.old, but you r right brother it flip flops and we both saw it

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:39 pm
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was that the game buff was down 33-0

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:50 pm
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ya timmy ur right i used to have a list of there excuses in a note book lol it got old for me about 10 years in we had the edge . i used to take my own money to pay the office just to cover some of them from time to time felt bad for some of em .i even tryed to help a guy that worked with my wife he loved clemens he would bet at any price 8/1/2 -2 or 2-1 i says to him y would u do that lose 1 takes 2 to get even hed say cant lose lol i tell him thats a bad bet take a look at some dogs an try em he never listen lol i had to put a collar on his bets an did feel bad the guy had kids .

Posted : August 19, 2016 7:57 pm
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anybody wish the hou. game was in the bot of the 9th right now with 2 outs b sides me

Posted : August 19, 2016 8:01 pm
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does any 1 know how many touchdowns r going 2 b scored in the o's game 2 night is this game nuts or what

Posted : August 19, 2016 8:55 pm
Posts: 7610
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I wish someone would bring me a pizza and some chicken wings

Posted : August 19, 2016 9:07 pm
Posts: 318493
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I wish someone would bring me a pizza and some chicken wings

Should have told me I had pizza for dinner. 😛

Posted : August 19, 2016 11:03 pm
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