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mlb plays 4 sat 8/27

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football been waiting, we hit the triple crown with cal/rainbows, fuckin rays last night had a fuckin 4-3 lead in the 9th and blow it, atl couldn't put a fuckin run on the board to at least get a push 4 the over, and balt well they just fuckin stink. here we go overs - col/wash sd/mia cinci/ari atl/sf angs/det oak/cards, mon line sd atl tex

Posted : August 27, 2016 10:59 am
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ya tb cost me a nice par with pitt -1+105 oh well what can ya do lol todays another day .gl today

Posted : August 27, 2016 11:16 am
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the best part shark my buddy calls and tells me money amounts, that were bet on cubs the highest bet play of the night, one hundred fourteen million, so what the fuck do I do I drop on the dodgers, I watched it along with our triple crown winner cal/bows, I have to admit it was 1 hell of a game, I lost with dod but it was a good game to watch

Posted : August 27, 2016 12:33 pm
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i got 2 sweat this wash/col over 19 hits in this fuckin game, and still not over both teams inthe top 10 in runs scored and i am in the 11th

Posted : August 27, 2016 5:27 pm
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col/was must have heard me

Posted : August 27, 2016 5:37 pm
Posts: 36449
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has any 1 seen the comments made by that asshole kapernick, not standing 4 the national anthem, what an asshole, he sucks anyway 1 good year, he's a bum you show me another country where you can, and make the money he makes, this piece of shit, and the fuckin rest of them make more money then doctors that save lives, so these fucks along with the , bum from sf may b shouldn't stand, they should get on there fucking knees and kiss the ground, of the country they live in, 4 making them multi millionaires, fuckin crums all of them

Posted : August 27, 2016 6:07 pm
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ya my dad was in the 2nd ww an airborne at bastone. this guy doing that is pityfull he is shiting on brave men that gave there lives so he could have a free life an doing that its a sin im tellin ya

Posted : August 27, 2016 7:34 pm
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so was mine brother a marine, in ww 2 and then a fire figther, 4 36 years this guy is a piece of shit

Posted : August 27, 2016 7:50 pm
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No where but America can you make 100 million dollars doing absolutely nothing. He wrote his ticket now though, he never plays another down in the NFL.

If he is so worried about the country maybe he should take some of his money and give it to the charities he thinks will make shit better.

What a hypocrite piece of shit. I hope someone takes his knees out. When I read that I was disgusted.

Posted : August 28, 2016 9:14 am
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you read my post mike he is a piece of shit, he's is right tho he shouldn't have 2 he should have 2 get on his fuckin knees, while every 1 else is standing and kiss the fucking ground, of the country he lives in, and that made him a millionaire, as i wrote last night, oh and by the way how predjudice were the two white people who adopted him, fuck him, and he needs his legs taken out

Posted : August 28, 2016 9:40 am
Posts: 7610
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I saw already this morning people are burning his jerseys. This dude is a cancer to the 49ers and the whole NFL to be honest. Good luck trying to apologize for dissing the whole fucking country. He's done

Posted : August 28, 2016 10:05 am
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saw that this morning also on fox, guy lights his jersey and then salutes it, i love it no coming back from this blunder

Posted : August 28, 2016 10:08 am