Sd front 5 game Mia same mets same rays game det front 5 over in cinci game
Celt game?
Guys thoughts on Huston golden states ?
Idk where Timmy been for these nba games
I fyou want my lean its GS-6 and GS 1h
Ari front 5 and game Tex same jints same overs Pitt and jints front 5 and game
We will do 2nd half in gs game been in and out all day
Rockets 2 nd half plus 4.5 machado another fuckin bum bases jammed pops up to the infield
These cocksuckin mother fuckin refs are givin this game to gs chris hits 3 gets fouled, no fuckin they call a T on him another on dantonio
I told these fuckin guys here and they heard me say it a 100 .times you lose even when your on the right side you lose fuckin Padres 4 run lead in front 5 6-2 give up 4 runs in the 5 th fuckin multi million dollar machado bum, bases jammed pops up and they lose in xtra innings walk off HR
We cover in spite of this fuckin ref, I hope the gets mugged leaving the game that piece of shit had it in for chris Paul
We got fucked on a couple early games but we beat there brains in front 5 and game again on the late plays and Ari came back to tie plus rockets 2 nd half we will fire max on tribe brothers front 5, 2 nd half, and game
How many games and how many times have we had bases jammed in games today, where we didn't get 1 fuckin run, clev just now would have been insurance for us 1st 5 bang clev 1st 5, that 2 nd heart attack I might be gettin could come tonight
Dbacks can't score a fucking run. It's maddening. Can't believe how many jams they have gotten out off.
Wow watched all 15 innings of this dbacks game just to get fucked in the end. what a joke..