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mlb series bets

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this is my first season betting mlb through an online service-i previously just bet through a local bookie so i was never given any mlb series lines-are there any services that specialize in mlb series betting?any opinions on pro and cons of series betting vs. betting individual games(besides having to win 2 of 3)would be appreciated also the names of services-if any
im taking angels +120 series bet(small wager to early in mlb for me to load the gun-i like to get a feel for the teams)

Posted : April 14, 2009 2:35 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

I can't say I have ever run across a service that specializes in series,about the only series plays I have ever seen is during the playoffs actually.

Posted : April 14, 2009 6:50 pm
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

When I used to play @ they had series prices on MLB. But be warned, expect to wait a while if you choose to make a withdrawal. The key is tolook ahead to series pitching matchups, teams at home that are hot, team on road cold, L vs R matchups etc...

Posted : April 14, 2009 9:55 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I can't say I have ever run across a service that specializes in series,about the only series plays I have ever seen is during the playoffs actually.

I think he means are their any sports books that specialize in series betting, not handicappers who deal series plays.

I don't have much experience with series betting but I know it's out there. I will ask around for you.

Posted : April 15, 2009 8:25 am