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MLB Trends Tuesday 7/7

13 Posts
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Posts: 1857
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Sports Investing
Is staying out of the Red
Make Sure Your Service
Are not Listed ( Multiple Times )

July 5

Biggest Losses

Steven Budin-CEO ( 0-1) 25 DIMES LOST
Cleveland Indians (Lee) - 1 1/2 Runs over Oakland (Gonzalez)

KBHoops ( 0-4)
5* Cincinnati +132 **POD**
5* San Diego +146
5* Seattle +250
5* Toronto +180

Big Al Mcmordie ( 0-1) Game of the Year

Kosmo ( 0-3)
NY Mets -105 1 unit
Giants -105 1 unit
Detroit +130 1 unit

Betting as a Business ( 0-2)
Pittsburgh / Florida Over 8.5 1.75 Units
Colorado -108 / Arizona 1.25 Units

Wayne Root ( 1-2)
Chairman- Devil Rays Loss
Milionaire- Philly
Billionaire- Giants Loss


July 4

Biggest Losses

Trace Adams (0-2) 1500 Units Lost
1000* - St. Louis w/Thompson over Owings
500* - Pittsburgh w/Duke over Miller

Stu Feiner (0 - 3) Lost 300 Dimes
100 Dimes Blue Jays - 135
100 Dimes Braves - 135
100 Dimes Cardinals - 110

Vic Monte ( 0-1) Lost 500 Units
500* Syndicate LA Dodgers -140

Wayne Root ( 1-3)
CC - Cincinnati Won
Mill - Atlanta
Insiders - LA Dodgers
Perfect Play - Toronto

Tony Weston (0-1) Lost 35 Dimes
35 Dimes White Sox

Craig Davis (0-2) Lost 35 Dimes
25 Dime ---- BLUE JAYS
10 Dime ---- BRAVES

Brandon Lang ( 0-3) Lost 25 Dimes
15 Dime Run Line - Red Sox
5 Dime – Mets
5 Dime – Dodgers


July 3


Biggest Losses

VIC MONTE ( 0-1 ) Lost 500 Units
on 11-1 Run
500 Units Marlins - 150

Dominic Fazzini ( 0-1 ) Lost 20 Dimes
Friday's play 20 Dime -- Mariners (Hernandez)
at RED SOX (Wakefield) under 8.5
7 Runs were Scored from 7 Inning

BIG Al McMordie ( 0-1 ) Game of the Year
Mariners / red Sox Under

Street Rosenthal ( 0-2 )
300 Units Red Sox - 115
200 Units Florida Marlins - 155

IndianCowboy ( 0-1 )
Oakland Athletics @ Cleveland Indians - Friday July 3, 2009 7:05 pm
Pick: 4 units (Play of the Day) TOTAL: Under 9


July 2

Biggest Losses

BHoops ( 1-4)
5* Kansas City +130 **POD**
5* Arizona +120 Early game
5* San Francisco +123
5* Baltimore +142
5* Seattle +290 Won

Matt Rivers ( 1-1 ) Lost 25,000 Units

Dominic Fazzini ( 0-1) Lost 10 Dimes

IndianCowboy ( 0-2)
Cubs Under
WNBA Over 160 Monarchs @ Lynx


July 1


Biggest Losses

Brandon Lang ( 1-4) Lost 30 Dimes
10 Dime - Brewers -1.5
10 Dime - Phillies
10 Dime - Giants
5 Dime - Minnesota Win
5 Dime - Detroit

Lou Panelli ( 2-4 ) Lost his 100 Dime Play second day in a row
20* Phillies +100 (100 Dime VEGAS KEY INFO)
10* Giants +125
10* Tampa Bay under 8.5
10* Angels over 9.5
10* Yankees over 9.5
10* San Diego +120

Seabass ( 3-3) Lost Steam Play
200* Phillies Lost
4 Early Games
50*Rays Lost
50*Tigers under
50* Red Sox
200* Dodgers / Rockies under...
Steam Play over 9.5 Yankees Lost

Great Lakes ( 0-2 ) Lost Game of the Year
5* GOY Anaheim
4* Philadelphia

Dominic Fazzini ( 0-1 ) Lost 15 Dimes
15 Dime - Angels


June 30


Biggest Losses

Stu Feiner ( 0 -1) Lost 1000 Dimes

Brandon Lang ( 0 - 2 ) Lost 20 Dimes
15 Dime Astros
5 Dime Red Sox

Lou Panelli ( 4 - 2 ) Lost 100 Dime Play
20* MLB Boston under 10(100 Dime VEGAS KEY INFO)
10* MLB Giants under 7
10* MLB Angels over 10.5
10* MLB Twins -145
10* MLB Pittsburgh +120
10* MLB San Diego +110

Fantasy Sports Gametime ( 2 - 2 ) Down 100 Units
100* Play Philadelphia (+115) Lost
100 Play Toronto (+110) Lost
50* Play Arizona (-135)
50* Play Florida (-165)

Larry Ness ( 0-1) Lost 20 Units
Mets - $130


June 29


Biggest Losses

RatedPicks ( 1 - 3 )
Detroit Tigers -125
NY Mets +115
KC Royals/Min Twins UNDER 9 Won
Col Rockies/ LA Dodgers OVER 8

Millionaire Club ( 0 - 2 ) GRAND SLAM WINNER
Toronto w/Halladay -150 Big Favorite
OVER 8.5 Rockies


June 28


Biggest Losses

PowerPlayWins ( 0 - 5 ) 3 Favorites
Cleveland Indians -137
Baltimore Orioles -140
Boston Red Sox -101
St. Louis Cardinals -128
Chicago Cubs -103

Dave Malinsky ( 0 - 3 ) 2 Favorites
4* Boston
3* Rangers (-135)
3* Dodgers(-180)

Rocco Spacamuro 1000 Units
Cardinals -130

Tony Salinas ( 0 - 3 ) Lost 74 Units - No Favorites
Lost Astros
Red Sox
Giants Over 9.5

Robert Ferringo ( 4 - 6 )
Take Detroit (-130)
Take L.A. Dodgers (-180) Big Loss - Favorite
Take Boston (-105) Lost
Take #Baltimore (-135) Lost
Robert Ferringo Today's Totals
Take ‘Under’ 9.5 L.A. Angels Lost 20 Runs Scored
Take ‘Over’ 8.5 Minnesota Lost
Take 'Over' 8.5 Seattle Lost
Take ‘Under’ 8.0 Colorado
Take ‘Under’ 8.5 Boston
Take 'Under' 10.0 Washington


June 27


Biggest Losses

Wayne Root ( 0 - 3 )
CC -- Minnesota
Millionaire -- Chi Cubs
No Limit -- Arizona
Brandon Lang ( 2 - 1 ) Lost 10 Dimes
Teddy Covers ( 0 - 2 ) Big Ticket
The Millionaires Club ( 1 - 2 ) Lost Big Favorites
Chris Jordan ( 0 - 1 ) Lost 800 Dimes


June 26


Services with the Biggest Losses
Fantasy Sports Gametime ( 1 - 3 )
1000* Play Florida (+120) over Tampa Bay

Wayne Root ( 0 - 3 )
CC---------NY Mets
Perfect Play---Kansas City

RatedPicks ( 1 - 3 )
Detroit Tigers -140
SanFran Giants +150
Sea Mariners/LA Dodgers OVER 7.5 Won
Chi Cubs/Chic White Sox OVER 9

* Trace Adams ( 0 - 2 ) Lost 1500 Units
1000* - Philadelphia w/Hamels over Romero
500* Florida w/Johnson over Shields

KBHoops ( 2 - 4 )
5* Seattle +155 **POD** Lost
5* Atlanta +108 Lost
5* Houston +106
5* San Diego +207 Lost
5* Minnesota +138
5* Arizona +134 Lost


June 25


Biggest Losses 6/25
Craig Davis ( 0 - 2 ) Lost 70 Dimes

Robert Ferringo ( 1 - 8 - 1 )
Rated Picks ( 0 - 3 )
Jack Jones ( 0 - 2 ) Lost 35 Units
SCOTT DELANEY ( 1 - 2 ) Lost 20 Dimes

Scott Delaney this Week lost more
Dimes Invested then Brandon Lang


June 24

Tom Stryker ( 0 - 1 ) InterLeague Blowout
Brandon Lovell ( 0 - 1 ) Blank Check Game
Steven Budin-CEO ( 0 - 1 ) 25 Dimes - Last 3 Games No Winners
Tom Freese ( 0 - 1 ) GOM
KBHoops ( 2 - 3 )
Marc Lawrence ( 0 -1 ) Underdog Game of the Week
Destroy the Book Sports ( 1 - 3 )


June 23


Biggest Losses
Tony Salinas ( Been Cold ) ( 0 - 3 )
* RatedPicks ( 1 - 5 )
Robert Ferringo ( 5 - 7 )
David Banks ( 2 - 4 ) Lost (KEY BEST BET)
Marc Lawrence ( 0 - 1 ) 100% Perfect MLB Top Underdog Play


June 22


Biggest Losses

Scott Delaney ( 0-1 )

Teddy Covers ( 0-1)
St Louis


June 21


Trends in Services
From Sunday 6/21
Biggest Losers Sunday
Stu Feiner : 0 - 3 ( Lost 150 Dimes )
* Maddux Sports : 1 - 4
* Brandon Lang : 2 - 1 ( Lost 15 Units )
* Larry Ness : 0 - 2 ( Lost 15 Units ) +++ ( Lost Legend Play )
Paul Leiner : 0 - 1 ( Lost 25 Units )
KBHoops ( POD ) 0 - 1
KBHoops ( 2 - 3 )
squarepicks : 1 - 4 ( Lost 14 Units )
Scott Delaney : 0 - 1 ( Lost 15 Units )
C-Stars Sports : 0 - 1 ( Lost 5000 Units )
Jack Jones : 0 - 2 ( Lost 30 Units )
Tony Salinas : 1 - 2 ( Lost 27 Units )
SMOOTH 44 : 0 - 1 ( Game of the Week )
SMOOTH 44 : 3 - 3
Scott Spreitzer : 0 - 1 ( Game of the Year )
Alex Smart : 0 - 1 ( Game of the Month )

Posted : July 6, 2009 10:43 pm
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter

Is there a Worst Service
Then Brandon Lang ????

Brandon Lang
215-248-10, -500.5 Dimes

Lang By Month:
January: +61.5 Dimes
February: -170 Dimes
March: +14.5 Dimes
April: -308.5 Dimes
May: -13.5 Dimes
June: -81.25 Dimes
July: -3.25 Dimes

Lang Past 4 Weeks:
6/2 to 6/8: +29 Dimes
6/9 to 6/15: -57.5 Dimes
6/16 to 6/22: -51 Dimes
6/23 to 6/29: +27.75 Dimes

Lang For This Week: 6/30 to 7/6
Tuesday: -23 Dimes
Wednesday: -33 Dimes
Thursday: +13 Dimes
Friday: +26.5 Dimes
Saturday: -29.25 Dimes
Sunday: +19.5 Dimes
Week Total: -26.25 Dimes

Posted : July 7, 2009 6:51 am
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter

Wayne Root's Value System

List of Value
Top to Lowest

Perfect Play
No Limit
Money Maker
Insider Circle

Wayne Root List his Plays like This
Do you Know Why ???
Because His Top Play listed
( Chairman Wins more then the Perfect Play)

Insider Circle
Money Maker
No Limit
Perfect Play

Understand Wayne Root's Value System

Chairman = $100
Millionaire = $500
Insider Circle + $1000
Money Maker = $5000
No Limit = $10000
Billionaire = $50000
Perfect Play = $100,000

Posted : July 7, 2009 7:12 am
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter

July 6 2009

Biggest Losses

Lou Panelli ( 3-4 )
20* Giants under 7.5 (100 Dime VEGAS KEY INFO)
10* Reds over 9 Won
10* San Diego under 10
10* Texas +135
10* Seattle under 8
10* Yankees over 9.5

RatedPicks ( 1-5)
Seattle Mariners -125 Won
Detroit Tigers -130
NY Yankee's RunLine -1.5 +145 Lost
LA Angels/Tex Rangers UNDER 9
Tor Blue Jays/NY Yanks UNDER 10 Lost
Atlanta Braves +110 Lost

Teddy Covers ( 0-2)
4 - KC over 9
3 - Cinn

Bob Valentino ( 0-1) 25 DIMES

Seabass ( 0-3)
300* Texas Lost
300* Arizona RL Lost
100* Flor. Under Lost

KBHoops ( 2-4)
5* Kansas City +129 **POD**
5* Cincinnati +154 Lost
5* Oakland +181
5* Washington +183 Lost
5* Atlanta +104 Lost
5* Florida +148 Lost



Other Services that Lost

Wayne Root ( 1-1)
Chairman - Texas
Millionaire - Cubs Won

BIG AL McMordie ( 1-2)

Ben Burns ( 0-1)
Jays/Yankees Under 9.5 Runs

Chris James Sports ( 0-1)
Selection: 2* Reds/Phillies Under 9

Frank Patron (0-1)
Texas Rangers with Millwood

Tony Salinas (1-1)
26*Chicago Cubs {R.Wells} (-115)
25*Tigers {A.Galarraga} (-125) Lost

Nick Parsons (0-1)
Orioles/Mariners Over

Posted : July 7, 2009 7:16 am
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter

Now If Anyone
of you Guessed Brandon Lang
As the Biggest Loser
You Are Wrong

You are Not Close

If You look at the Above

List of Biggest Losses Per Day

Wayne Root's Record
7/5 Loss of
Billionaire = $50000

7/4 Loss of
Millionaire = $500
Insider Circle + $1000
Perfect Play = $100,000

June 27
Wayne Root ( 0 - 3 )
Chairman = $100
Millionaire = $500
No Limit = $10000

June 26
Wayne Root ( 0 - 3 )
Chairman = $100
Millionaire = $500
Perfect Play = $100,000

Posted : July 7, 2009 7:31 am
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter

A Special Thank you
To The Boss Mr Cash

A Special Thank you
To the Hard Work of Blade

Please Note
By NFL Time in September
There will be 100 More Services
Services that went Belly Up last year
Will be back with a New Name

Posted : July 7, 2009 7:43 am
Posts: 1857
Noble Member
Topic starter


Winning Services 7/6

Igz1 sports ( 2-0 )
3* Toronto +135
3* Atlanta vs Chicago Cubs Under 8.5

Kevin Francis ( 1-0)
Houston w/Hampton -155

IndianCowboy ( 1-0)
4 units Seattle Mariners -120 (Play of the Day)

Brandon Lang ( 3-2) Won 20 Dimes
15 Dime Run Line - Astros
10 Dime - Blue Jays Won
10 Dime - Reds/Phillies UNDER 8.5 Lost
10 Dime - Braves/Cubs UNDER 8.5 Won
5 Dime - Nationals Lost

Brad Diamond Sports ( 1-0 )
Blue Jays

Tony George ( 1-0)

Mike Lineback ( 1-0)

Opposite Action Plays ( 1-0)

Lenny Del Genio ( 1-0)

The Hammer ( 1-0)
Colorado w/Marquis -190

Master Sports ( 1-0)
3 Units Mariners Washburn - $1.10

Fred Wills ( 3-0 )
pod Astros
bonus Astros r/l
3* Angels

Fantasy Sports Gametime ( 3-1)
100* Play Houston (-155) over Pittsburgh (TOP MLB PLAY)
100* Play Philadelphia (-145) over Cincinnati (MLB TOP PLAY)
50* Play NY Yankees (-140) over Toronto (MLB BONUS PLAY)
50* Play San Francisco (-155) over Florida (MLB BONUS PLAY)

Street Rosenthal ( 2-0)
200* San Francisco
200* Houston

Stu Feiner ( 2-1)
100 Dimes
CUBS -110

Chris Jordan ( 1-0 )
300 Dimes CHICAGO CUBS - $1.20

Michael Cannon ( 1-0 )
30 Dime – ASTROS
Take the Astros on the run line over the Pirates tonight.


Posted : July 7, 2009 7:48 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

CINCINNATI (40 - 41) at PHILADELPHIA (43 - 37)
Top Trends for this game.
HARANG is 5-16 (-11.1 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
HARANG is 4-16 (-12.7 Units) against the money line in road games in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
HARANG is 3-13 (-10.2 Units) against the money line in road games in night games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
PHILADELPHIA is 85-59 (+15.3 Units) against the money line after a win over the last 2 seasons.
CINCINNATI is 469-544 (+45.1 Units) against the money line in road games since 1997.
CINCINNATI is 311-355 (+31.7 Units) against the money line in road games in night games since 1997.
CINCINNATI is 24-16 (+9.3 Units) against the money line after a loss this season.
PHILADELPHIA is 17-22 (-13.9 Units) against the money line in home games this season.
PHILADELPHIA is 17-22 (-13.9 Units) against the money line in home games in games played on a grass field this season.
PHILADELPHIA is 10-16 (-12.1 Units) against the money line in home games in night games this season.
PHILADELPHIA is 8-16 (-14.4 Units) against the money line in home games against right-handed starters this season.

Head-to-Head Series History
PHILADELPHIA is 3-1 (+2.0 Units) against CINCINNATI this season
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL this season . (Over=-0.2 Units, Under=-0.5 Units)

HARANG is 2-2 when starting against PHILADELPHIA with an ERA of 5.55 and a WHIP of 1.468.
His team's record is 5-3 (+3.7 units) in these starts. The OVER is 4-4. (-0.5 units)

J.A. HAPP vs. CINCINNATI since 1997
No recent starts.

LA DODGERS (52 - 30) at NY METS (39 - 42)
Top Trends for this game.
LA DODGERS are 150-165 (-49.5 Units) against the money line when playing on Tuesday since 1997.
LA DODGERS are 52-30 (+17.2 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
LA DODGERS are 52-30 (+17.2 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
LA DODGERS are 38-20 (+14.7 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
LA DODGERS are 35-21 (+11.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters this season.

Head-to-Head Series History
LA DODGERS is 3-0 (+3.0 Units) against NY METS this season
2 of 2 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+2.0 Units)

KERSHAW is 0-0 when starting against NY METS with an ERA of 9.81 and a WHIP of 2.452.
His team's record is 1-0 (+1.3 units) in these starts. The OVER is 1-0. (+1.1 units)

PELFREY is 0-0 when starting against LA DODGERS with an ERA of 2.57 and a WHIP of 1.143.
His team's record is 1-0 (+1.1 units) in these starts. The OVER is 0-1. (-1.1 units)

PITTSBURGH (37 - 46) at HOUSTON (40 - 41)
Top Trends for this game.
PITTSBURGH is 11-24 (-12.0 Units) against the money line against division opponents this season.
HOUSTON is 126-116 (+22.1 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 63-52 (+18.9 Units) against the money line when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 122-114 (+17.8 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 67-57 (+14.6 Units) against the money line after a win over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 21-12 (+8.3 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record this season.
MOEHLER is 24-15 (+14.9 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
MOEHLER is 23-15 (+13.0 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
MOEHLER is 19-10 (+13.3 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
MOEHLER is 14-7 (+9.3 Units) against the money line after a win over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
HOUSTON is 7-3 (+3.8 Units) against PITTSBURGH this season
5 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+0.6 Units)

PAUL MAHOLM vs. HOUSTON since 1997
MAHOLM is 6-4 when starting against HOUSTON with an ERA of 4.56 and a WHIP of 1.478.
His team's record is 7-4 (+3.0 units) in these starts. The OVER is 5-5. (-0.4 units)

MOEHLER is 6-5 when starting against PITTSBURGH with an ERA of 6.07 and a WHIP of 1.685.
His team's record is 6-7 (-1.8 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 4-9. (-5.9 units)

ATLANTA (39 - 43) at CHICAGO CUBS (41 - 39)
Top Trends for this game.
ATLANTA is 39-43 (-11.7 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
ATLANTA is 47-74 (-23.7 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons.
ATLANTA is 39-43 (-11.7 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
ATLANTA is 76-90 (-24.5 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
ATLANTA is 22-30 (-13.9 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters this season.
ATLANTA is 17-25 (-13.3 Units) against the money line after a loss this season.
VAZQUEZ is 111-128 (-34.1 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field since 1997. (Team's Record)
VAZQUEZ is 9-17 (-12.9 Units) against the money line after a loss over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
VAZQUEZ is 8-17 (-13.1 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
DEMPSTER is 65-37 (+29.2 Units) against the money line in home games since 1997. (Team's Record)
DEMPSTER is 65-37 (+29.2 Units) against the money line in home games in games played on a grass field since 1997. (Team's Record)
ATLANTA is 50-24 (+25.9 Units) against the money line in road games after 3 or more consecutive losses since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 998-1048 (-192.3 Units) against the money line in all games since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 538-484 (-106.0 Units) against the money line in home games since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 136-166 (-57.0 Units) against the money line when playing on Tuesday since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 941-964 (-170.1 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 485-511 (-118.9 Units) against the money line after a win since 1997.
CHICAGO CUBS are 496-470 (-102.8 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
CHICAGO CUBS is 2-2 (+0.2 Units) against ATLANTA this season
3 of 4 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+1.9 Units)

VAZQUEZ is 4-4 when starting against CHICAGO CUBS with an ERA of 4.83 and a WHIP of 1.430.
His team's record is 9-8 (+1.4 units) in these starts. The OVER is 11-6. (+5.4 units)

DEMPSTER is 2-9 when starting against ATLANTA with an ERA of 5.05 and a WHIP of 1.521.
His team's record is 6-9 (+2.4 units) in these starts. The OVER is 5-9. (-4.7 units)

ST LOUIS (45 - 39) at MILWAUKEE (43 - 39)
Top Trends for this game.
MILWAUKEE is 32-22 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
MILWAUKEE is 21-9 (+12.2 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record this season.
ST LOUIS is 91-73 (+15.4 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
WAINWRIGHT is 26-11 (+11.6 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
WAINWRIGHT is 21-10 (+11.8 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
WAINWRIGHT is 13-4 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in road games against division opponents over the last 3 seasons. (Team's Record)
WAINWRIGHT is 26-11 (+11.6 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
WAINWRIGHT is 20-2 (+18.0 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
MILWAUKEE is 4-2 (+2.1 Units) against ST LOUIS this season
3 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL this season . (Over=-0.1 Units, Under=-0.2 Units)

WAINWRIGHT is 3-3 when starting against MILWAUKEE with an ERA of 2.85 and a WHIP of 1.081.
His team's record is 5-3 (+1.5 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 3-4. (-1.4 units)

GALLARDO is 0-1 when starting against ST LOUIS with an ERA of 5.30 and a WHIP of 1.178.
His team's record is 1-2 (-1.6 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 1-2. (-1.6 units)

WASHINGTON (24 - 56) at COLORADO (43 - 39)
Top Trends for this game.
WASHINGTON is 24-56 (-27.5 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
WASHINGTON is 1-12 (-10.7 Units) against the money line as a road underdog of +125 to +150 this season.
WASHINGTON is 9-30 (-16.5 Units) against the money line in road games this season.
WASHINGTON is 24-53 (-24.5 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
WASHINGTON is 15-41 (-24.0 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
WASHINGTON is 18-40 (-18.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters this season.
WASHINGTON is 4-19 (-14.0 Units) against the money line after getting shut out over the last 2 seasons.
WASHINGTON is 16-38 (-19.5 Units) against the money line after a loss this season.
WASHINGTON is 13-35 (-17.9 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record this season.
COLORADO is 22-7 (+12.7 Units) against the money line in home games in July games over the last 3 seasons.
COLORADO is 153-139 (+18.5 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 3 seasons.
COLORADO is 116-98 (+15.3 Units) against the money line after a win over the last 3 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
COLORADO is 1-0 (+1.0 Units) against WASHINGTON this season
1 of 1 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+1.0 Units)

No recent starts.

No recent starts.

SAN DIEGO (35 - 47) at ARIZONA (34 - 49)
Top Trends for this game.
SAN DIEGO is 98-145 (-43.7 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 9-27 (-15.0 Units) against the money line as a road underdog of +125 to +150 over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 40-80 (-30.2 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 20-37 (-21.0 Units) against the money line in July games over the last 3 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 3-16 (-13.0 Units) against the money line in road games when playing on Tuesday over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 98-145 (-43.7 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 68-107 (-35.6 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 58-85 (-24.6 Units) against the money line after a loss over the last 2 seasons.
SAN DIEGO is 51-72 (-24.6 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record over the last 2 seasons.
DAVIS is 14-3 (+11.7 Units) against the money line in home games after a win over the last 3 seasons. (Team's Record)
CORREIA is 17-9 (+14.1 Units) against the money line against division opponents since 1997. (Team's Record)
CORREIA is 23-16 (+13.2 Units) against the money line after a loss since 1997. (Team's Record)
ARIZONA is 34-49 (-17.3 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
ARIZONA is 15-24 (-9.8 Units) against the money line when the total is 9 to 9.5 this season.
ARIZONA is 2-8 (-9.0 Units) against the money line as a home favorite of -125 to -150 this season.
ARIZONA is 16-28 (-18.2 Units) against the money line in home games this season.
ARIZONA is 9-18 (-12.2 Units) against the money line at home when the total is 9 to 9.5 this season.
ARIZONA is 132-155 (-46.8 Units) against the money line when playing on Tuesday since 1997.
ARIZONA is 34-49 (-17.3 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
ARIZONA is 24-35 (-11.3 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
ARIZONA is 10-21 (-14.9 Units) against the money line in home games against right-handed starters this season.
ARIZONA is 10-23 (-14.8 Units) against the money line after a win this season.
DAVIS is 4-13 (-9.7 Units) against the money line in all games this season. (Team's Record)
DAVIS is 4-13 (-9.7 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
ARIZONA is 5-5 (-0.2 Units) against SAN DIEGO this season
9 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL this season . (Over=+8.1 Units)

CORREIA is 1-3 when starting against ARIZONA with an ERA of 4.93 and a WHIP of 1.471.
His team's record is 3-3 (+1.3 units) in these starts. The OVER is 4-2. (+2.1 units)

DOUG DAVIS vs. SAN DIEGO since 1997
DAVIS is 8-3 when starting against SAN DIEGO with an ERA of 2.85 and a WHIP of 1.228.
His team's record is 11-4 (+8.0 units) in these starts. The OVER is 8-7. (+0.6 units)

FLORIDA (43 - 41) at SAN FRANCISCO (45 - 37)
Top Trends for this game.
SAN FRANCISCO is 45-37 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
SAN FRANCISCO is 20-13 (+7.4 Units) against the money line when the total is 8 to 8.5 this season.
SAN FRANCISCO is 27-13 (+13.0 Units) against the money line in home games this season.
SAN FRANCISCO is 45-37 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
SAN FRANCISCO is 17-7 (+9.9 Units) against the money line in home games in night games this season.
SAN FRANCISCO is 87-88 (+11.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 127-118 (+22.7 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 397-365 (+45.1 Units) against the money line when the total is 8 to 8.5 since 1997.
FLORIDA is 57-61 (+11.9 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 83-79 (+26.2 Units) against the money line in road games when playing on Tuesday since 1997.
FLORIDA is 123-113 (+22.1 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 89-86 (+9.2 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 20-10 (+11.4 Units) against the money line against left-handed starters this season.
FLORIDA is 65-53 (+19.8 Units) against the money line after a loss over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 61-60 (+15.2 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
FLORIDA is 252-265 (+47.4 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record in the second half of the season since 1997.
JOHNSON is 13-4 (+8.9 Units) against the money line in all games this season. (Team's Record)
JOHNSON is 12-3 (+8.8 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season. (Team's Record)
JOHNSON is 14-4 (+11.9 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
SAN FRANCISCO is 3-2 (+1.6 Units) against FLORIDA this season
3 of 4 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+2.0 Units)

JOHNSON is 0-2 when starting against SAN FRANCISCO with an ERA of 2.70 and a WHIP of 1.300.
His team's record is 0-3 (-3.8 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 3-0. (+3.0 units)

BARRY ZITO vs. FLORIDA since 1997
ZITO is 3-0 when starting against FLORIDA with an ERA of 3.22 and a WHIP of 1.299.
His team's record is 4-0 (+5.2 units) in these starts. The OVER is 2-2. (-0.3 units)

Posted : July 7, 2009 9:10 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

TORONTO (43 - 41) at TAMPA BAY (44 - 39)
There are no Top Trends with records of significance that apply to this game.

Head-to-Head Series History
TAMPA BAY is 2-1 (+1.1 Units) against TORONTO this season
3 of 3 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+3.0 Units)

No recent starts.

SHIELDS is 4-3 when starting against TORONTO with an ERA of 3.29 and a WHIP of 1.000.
His team's record is 5-4 (+0.9 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 4-5. (-1.8 units)

KANSAS CITY (36 - 46) at DETROIT (44 - 38)
Top Trends for this game.
KANSAS CITY is 63-91 (-24.0 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 42-30 (+8.8 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
KANSAS CITY is 58-51 (+17.3 Units) against the money line when the total is 8 to 8.5 over the last 2 seasons.
KANSAS CITY is 25-24 (+12.8 Units) against the money line in road games against division opponents over the last 2 seasons.
KANSAS CITY is 58-51 (+13.8 Units) against the money line after a win over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 118-126 (-27.3 Units) against the money line in all games over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 42-59 (-27.9 Units) against the money line against division opponents over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 73-83 (-21.2 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 56-67 (-20.7 Units) against the money line after a loss over the last 2 seasons.
DETROIT is 8-13 (-11.6 Units) against the money line in home games when playing against a team with a losing record in the second half of the season over the last 2 seasons.
VERLANDER is 9-15 (-11.1 Units) against the money line against division opponents over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
DETROIT is 4-3 (+0.6 Units) against KANSAS CITY this season
4 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+0.6 Units)

BRUCE CHEN vs. DETROIT since 1997
CHEN is 0-1 when starting against DETROIT with an ERA of 5.00 and a WHIP of 1.111.
His team's record is 1-2 (-1.9 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 1-2. (-1.1 units)

VERLANDER is 8-1 when starting against KANSAS CITY with an ERA of 2.21 and a WHIP of 1.086.
His team's record is 9-3 (+3.8 units) in these starts. The OVER is 5-5. (-0.5 units)

OAKLAND (35 - 46) at BOSTON (49 - 33)
Top Trends for this game.
OAKLAND is 20-37 (-20.8 Units) against the money line in July games over the last 3 seasons.
OAKLAND is 12-28 (-15.5 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record this season.
BOSTON is 84-41 (+20.0 Units) against the money line in home games over the last 2 seasons.
BOSTON is 138-80 (+31.9 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons.
BOSTON is 57-23 (+18.6 Units) against the money line in home games after a loss over the last 3 seasons.
BOSTON is 65-35 (+20.8 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record over the last 2 seasons.
OAKLAND is 15-4 (+11.9 Units) against the money line after shutting out their opponent over the last 3 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
OAKLAND is 3-1 (+3.5 Units) against BOSTON this season
3 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL this season . (Over=+2.0 Units)

DANA EVELAND vs. BOSTON since 1997
EVELAND is 0-1 when starting against BOSTON with an ERA of 18.89 and a WHIP of 3.148.
His team's record is 1-1 (+0.3 units) in these starts. The OVER is 2-0. (+2.0 units)

BECKETT is 2-3 when starting against OAKLAND with an ERA of 4.88 and a WHIP of 1.341.
His team's record is 2-3 (-2.0 units) in these starts. The OVER is 3-2. (+1.0 units)

CLEVELAND (33 - 50) at CHI WHITE SOX (42 - 40)
Top Trends for this game.
CLEVELAND is 33-50 (-21.8 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
CLEVELAND is 37-54 (-24.1 Units) against the money line when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.
CLEVELAND is 30-44 (-19.2 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
CLEVELAND is 22-29 (-11.4 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
CHI WHITE SOX are 63-45 (+16.6 Units) against the money line against division opponents over the last 2 seasons.
CHI WHITE SOX are 125-93 (+24.1 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field over the last 2 seasons.
CHI WHITE SOX are 72-47 (+21.7 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record over the last 2 seasons.
BUEHRLE is 102-50 (+33.5 Units) against the money line in home games since 1997. (Team's Record)
BUEHRLE is 102-50 (+33.5 Units) against the money line in home games in games played on a grass field since 1997. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
CHI WHITE SOX is 5-4 (+1.9 Units) against CLEVELAND this season
5 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+0.5 Units)

SOWERS is 0-5 when starting against CHI WHITE SOX with an ERA of 7.72 and a WHIP of 1.649.
His team's record is 0-6 (-6.7 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 4-2. (+1.7 units)

BUEHRLE is 8-13 when starting against CLEVELAND with an ERA of 4.86 and a WHIP of 1.380.
His team's record is 15-18 (-7.6 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 15-16. (-2.8 units)

NY YANKEES (48 - 34) at MINNESOTA (43 - 40)
Top Trends for this game.
SABATHIA is 2-9 (-10.3 Units) against the money line in road games after a loss over the last 2 seasons. (Team's Record)
MINNESOTA is 79-44 (+23.2 Units) against the money line in home games over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 42-23 (+14.3 Units) against the money line at home when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 10-2 (+8.1 Units) against the money line when playing on Tuesday this season.
MINNESOTA is 21-5 (+17.2 Units) against the money line when playing with a day off over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 82-48 (+23.1 Units) against the money line in games played in a dome over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 90-71 (+15.3 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 82-51 (+20.0 Units) against the money line in games played on artificial turf over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 28-9 (+18.5 Units) against the money line in home games against left-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 56-47 (+10.4 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
NY YANKEES are 78-45 (+19.1 Units) against the money line when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
NY YANKEES is 4-0 (+4.0 Units) against MINNESOTA this season
2 of 3 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+0.9 Units)

C.C. SABATHIA vs. MINNESOTA since 1997
SABATHIA is 12-8 when starting against MINNESOTA with an ERA of 3.12 and a WHIP of 1.251.
His team's record is 15-12 (-0.2 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 17-9. (+6.5 units)

BAKER is 2-0 when starting against NY YANKEES with an ERA of 1.50 and a WHIP of 0.750.
His team's record is 2-0 (+3.2 units) in these starts. The OVER is 0-2. (-2.0 units)

TEXAS (45 - 36) at LA ANGELS (46 - 35)

Top Trends for this game.
LA ANGELS are 46-35 (+11.5 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
LA ANGELS are 66-35 (+26.5 Units) against the money line when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.
LA ANGELS are 41-17 (+18.6 Units) against the money line at home when the total is 9 to 9.5 over the last 2 seasons.
LA ANGELS are 23-8 (+14.6 Units) against the money line in July games over the last 2 seasons.
LA ANGELS are 43-29 (+14.3 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
LA ANGELS are 100-72 (+19.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
LA ANGELS are 69-50 (+17.7 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS is 45-36 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
TEXAS is 56-61 (+12.0 Units) against the money line in road games over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS is 23-14 (+12.5 Units) against the money line when playing on Tuesday over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS is 15-5 (+10.1 Units) against the money line against division opponents this season.
TEXAS is 44-34 (+9.9 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
TEXAS is 33-24 (+9.8 Units) against the money line in night games this season.
TEXAS is 85-77 (+18.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS is 63-56 (+12.9 Units) against the money line after a loss over the last 2 seasons.
LA ANGELS are 97-93 (-52.6 Units) against the money line as a home favorite of -150 to -175 since 1997.
LACKEY is 11-17 (-16.4 Units) against the money line as a home favorite of -150 to -175 since 1997. (Team's Record)

Head-to-Head Series History
TEXAS is 5-2 (+2.8 Units) against LA ANGELS this season
4 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL this season . (Over=+0.8 Units)

NIPPERT is 0-1 when starting against LA ANGELS with an ERA of 5.07 and a WHIP of 1.313.
His team's record is 0-1 (-1.0 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 1-0. (+1.0 units)

JOHN LACKEY vs. TEXAS since 1997
LACKEY is 10-10 when starting against TEXAS with an ERA of 5.79 and a WHIP of 1.545.
His team's record is 15-13 (-2.8 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 14-14. (-1.3 units)

BALTIMORE (36 - 47) at SEATTLE (43 - 39)

Top Trends for this game.
BALTIMORE is 251-337 (-97.8 Units) against the money line against left-handed starters since 1997.
BALTIMORE is 129-237 (-102.7 Units) against the money line after 3 or more consecutive losses since 1997.
BALTIMORE is 76-134 (-40.2 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 3 seasons.
BALTIMORE is 14-37 (-18.4 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a winning record in the second half of the season over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 43-39 (+6.9 Units) against the money line in all games this season.
SEATTLE is 40-35 (+7.3 Units) against the money line in games played on a grass field this season.
BALTIMORE is 85-90 (+6.1 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 67-97 (-27.8 Units) against the money line in night games over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 69-98 (-27.1 Units) against the money line against right-handed starters over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 20-33 (-16.6 Units) against the money line in home games after a win over the last 2 seasons.
SEATTLE is 238-222 (-71.4 Units) against the money line when playing against a team with a losing record in the second half of the season since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
SEATTLE is 5-2 (+3.2 Units) against BALTIMORE this season
5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL this season . (Under=+3.9 Units)

GUTHRIE is 2-3 when starting against SEATTLE with an ERA of 3.63 and a WHIP of 1.134.
His team's record is 3-3 (+0.5 units) in these starts. The OVER is 2-4. (-2.0 units)

BEDARD is 1-0 when starting against BALTIMORE with an ERA of 1.42 and a WHIP of 1.106.
His team's record is 1-0 (+1.0 units) in these starts. The OVER is 1-0. (+1.0 units)

Posted : July 7, 2009 9:11 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Pitching Report

Hot Pitchers
-- Happ is 1-0, 1.71 in his last three starts.
-- Dodgers won last four Kershaw starts (2-0, 0.76).
-- Vazquez has a 1.37 RA in his last three starts.
-- Gallardo is 4-3, 1.87 in his last eight starts.
Cardinals are 6-1 on road when Wainwright starts.
-- Hammel is 4-1, 2.95 in his last six starts.
Zimmermann has a 1.90 RA in his last four starts.
-- Davis has a 1.29 RA in his last three starts,
but Arizona's bullpen lost all three of those games.
Correia is 2-0, 2.77 in his last two road starts.
-- Johnson is 4-1, 2.87 in his last six starts.
-- Rays won four of last five Shields home starts.
-- Beckett is 2-0, 1.96 in his last three starts.
-- White Sox won last three Buehrle starts (2-0, 2.61).
-- Baker is 4-0, 3.43 in his last six starts.
-- Lackey is 1-0, 1.80 in his last two starts.
-- Bedard was 3-0, 2.00 in his last three starts before going on DL.

Cold Pitchers
-- Harang is 0-4, 5.18 in his last seven starts.
-- Pelfrey has a 6.75 RA in his last three home starts.
-- Maholm is 1-2, 8.86 in his last four starts.
-- Dempster is 1-2, 5.18 in his last four starts.
-- Moehler is 0-2, 9.00 in his last four home starts.
-- Sito is 1-2, 7.40 in his last four starts.
-- Rzepczynski was 9-5, 2.75 in 16 minor league starts this season.
-- Verlander is 1-2, 5.48 in his last four starts.
Chen is 0-2, 4.50 in his two starts for Kansas City.
-- Eveland was 1-1, 7.40 in five starts before being sent to AAA
he is starting here because Braden is on the bereavement list.
-- Sowers is 0-3, 9.39 in his three road starts.
-- Sabathia is 2-2, 5.00 in his last six starts.
-- Nippert had a 2.55 RA in four minor league starts this season;
he has a 5-8, 6.42 record in 61 career major league games (14 career starts).
-- Guthrie is 2-5, 6.39 in his last seven starts.

Hot Teams
-- Phillies won last four games, allowing four runs.
-- Dodgers are 13-7 in their last 20 road games.
-- Cubs won six of their last eight games.
-- Astros are 15-8 in their last 23 home games.
-- Rockies won 12 of their last 16 home games.
-- Marlins won five of their last seven games,
but lost six of their last seven on road.
Giants are 15-5 in their last 20 home games.
-- Rays won sixteen of their last nineteen home games.
-- White Sox won four of their last five home games.
-- Royals won their last three games, scoring 16 runs.
-- Twins are 17-8 in their last 25 home games. Bronx
Bombers won ten of their last twelve games.
-- Rangers won five of their last six games, scoring 42 runs.
Angels won 11 of their last 15 home games.
-- Mariners are 13-6 in their last nineteen games.

Cold Teams
-- Reds lost three of last four games, allowing 32 runs in last two.
-- Mets lost eight of their last 12 home games.
-- Pirates lost 16 of their last 23 road games.
-- Braves lost their last three games, scoring total of eight runs.
-- Brewers lost four of their last five games.
-- Nationals lost 19 of their last 23 road games.
-- Arizona lost seven of its last nine home games.
Padres lost five of their last six games overall.
-- Blue Jays lost five of their last seven road games.
-- Tigers lost seven of their last ten games.
-- Red Sox are just 5-6 in their last 11 games.
A's are 8-14 in their last 22 games, but did win the last two.
-- Indians lost 14 of their last 18 games.
-- Orioles lost seven of their last nine games.

-- Over is 5-1-2 in Cincinnati's last eight road games;
five of Phillies' last six home games stayed under the total. .
-- Dodgers' last five road games all went over the total.
-- Under is 8-1-1 in last ten games at Minute Maid Park.
-- Seven of last nine Atlanta road games stayed under the total.
-- Six of last eight Gallardo starts stayed under the total.
-- Under is 8-3-1 in Colorado's last twelve home games.
-- Over is 11-3 in Arizona's last fourteen home games.
-- Over is 5-2-1 in last eight Johnson starts.
-- Five of last six Toronto road games went over the total.
-- Seven of last eight Detroit games stayed under the total.
-- Under is 13-5-1 in last nineteen games at Fenway Park.
-- Under is 8-3-1 in last dozen Buehrle starts.
-- Seven of last nine Minnesota games stayed under the total.
-- Over is 10-4-1 in Angels' last fifteen home games.
-- Four of last five Guthrie starts stayed under the total.

Posted : July 7, 2009 9:13 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Trend Report

Cincinnati is 1-5 SU in its last 6 games when playing on the road against Philadelphia
The total has gone OVER in 12 of Cincinnati's last 17 games when playing on the road against Philadelphia
Philadelphia is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing Cincinnati
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Philadelphia's last 9 games when playing Cincinnati

Kansas City is 2-4 SU in its last 6 games when playing Detroit
The total has gone UNDER in 13 of Kansas City's last 18 games when playing Detroit
Detroit is 8-1 SU in its last 9 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 13 of Detroit's last 19 games at home

Toronto is 4-2 SU in its last 6 games when playing Tampa Bay
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Toronto's last 5 games when playing Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay is 15-8 SU in its last 23 games
Tampa Bay is 1-4 SU in its last 5 games

LA Dodgers are 4-2 SU in their last 6 games
LA Dodgers are 16-8 SU in their last 24 games on the road
NY Mets are 2-4 SU in their last 6 games when playing LA Dodgers
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of NY Mets's last 5 games when playing LA Dodgers

The total has gone OVER in 4 of Oakland's last 6 games when playing Boston
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Oakland's last 5 games on the road
Boston is 2-4 SU in its last 6 games
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Boston's last 6 games

Pittsburgh is 1-4 SU in its last 5 games when playing Houston
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Pittsburgh's last 6 games when playing Houston
Houston is 4-2 SU in its last 6 games
Houston is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games at home

The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Atlanta's last 5 games
Atlanta is 1-5 SU in its last 6 games on the road
Chi Cubs are 8-2 SU in their last 10 games when playing Atlanta
Chi Cubs are 5-0 SU in their last 5 games when playing at home against Atlanta

St. Louis is 3-11 SU in its last 14 games when playing Milwaukee
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of St. Louis's last 12 games when playing Milwaukee
Milwaukee is 1-4 SU in its last 5 games
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Milwaukee's last 7 games

NY Yankees are 5-1 SU in their last 6 games when playing Minnesota
NY Yankees are 5-0 SU in their last 5 games on the road
Minnesota is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of Minnesota's last 9 games

Cleveland is 1-4 SU in their last 5 games when playing Chi White Sox
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Cleveland's last 7 games when playing Chi White Sox
Chi White Sox are 7-2 SU in their last 9 games
Chi White Sox are 4-1 SU in their last 5 games at home

Washington is 1-4 SU in its last 5 games when playing Colorado
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Washington's last 6 games when playing Colorado
Colorado is 18-7 SU in its last 25 games
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Colorado's last 8 games

San Diego is 7-18 SU in its last 25 games on the road
San Diego is 1-5 SU in its last 6 games
Arizona is 6-2 SU in its last 8 games when playing at home against San Diego
Arizona is 5-11 SU in its last 16 games

Texas is 2-5 SU in its last 7 games on the road
Texas is 5-2 SU in their last 7 games when playing LA Angels
LA Angels are 4-1 SU in their last 5 games
LA Angels are 6-1 SU in their last 7 games at home

Baltimore is 1-5 SU in its last 6 games
Baltimore is 1-7 SU in its last 8 games on the road
Seattle is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games when playing Baltimore
Seattle is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against Baltimore

Florida is 2-5 SU in its last 7 games when playing on the road against San Francisco
Florida is 5-2 SU in its last 7 games
San Francisco is 5-2 SU in its last 7 games when playing Florida
San Francisco is 5-2 SU in its last 7 games when playing at home against Florida

Posted : July 7, 2009 9:14 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

National League

HARANG: CIN 8-1 after allowing 12+ runs
HAPP: PHI 3-9 at home after 4+ consecutive home games


KERSHAW: LAD 14-1 after 6 consecutive division games
PELFREY: NYM 2-12 at home after 3+ consecutive unders


MAHOLM: PIT 7-22 after 3+ consecutive road games
MOEHLER: 14-7 TSR after a team win

VAZQUEZ: ATL 50-24 AWAY after 3+ consecutive losses
DEMPSTER: CHC 2-13 as an underdog


WAINWRIGHT: 8-1 TSR as an underdog
GALLARDO: MIL 3-9 at home after having lost 3 of their last 4

ZIMMERMANN: WAS 1-12 as a road underdog of +125 to +150
HAMMEL: COL 22-7 at home in July

CORREIA: 17-9 TSR against division opponents
DAVIS: ARI 2-8 as a home favorite of -125 to -150


JOHNSON: 11-3 TSR when the money line is +125 to -125
ZITO: SF 5-14 after a win by 2 runs or less

American League

MILLS: TOR 8-4 after 3+ consecutive overs
SHIELDS: TB 67-40 UNDER revenging a shutout loss


CHEN: KC 17-5 UNDER AWAY against right-handed starters
VERLANDER: DET 12-3 UNDER after 3 consecutive division games

EVELAND: OAK 15-4 after shutting out their opponent
BECKETT: BOS 6-13 against AL West

SOWERS: 2-16 TSR as a road underdog
BUEHRLE: CHW 20-6 at home after 2+ consecutive losses

SABATHIA: NYY 15-4 UNDER after 7+ consecutive home games
BAKER: MIN 6-16 against AL East

NIPPERT: TEX 15-5 against division opponents
LACKEY: 11-17 TSR as a home favorite of -150 to -175

GUTHRIE: BAL 6-17 against AL West
BEDARD: 11-1 TSR in the second half of the season

Posted : July 7, 2009 11:09 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Tips and Trends

Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Mets

Dodgers (-$1.35 O/U 8.5 under -$1.15): The Dodgers are 22-8 when Manny Ramirez has been in the lineup, but they have lost seven of their past nine games to the Mets in New York. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw (5-5, 3.49 ERA) has given up just two runs in his last four starts, while striking out 26 in 23 2/3 innings. The Dodgers have won each of Kershaw’s last four starts. Kershaw didn’t get a decision in his last outing on Wednesday during a 1-0 victory versus Colorado. Kershaw held the Rockies to one hit and had five strikeouts, but also gave up five walks in five innings before being lifted after 97 pitches. The lefty has faced the Mets only once and that was on May 30 of last year. He lasted only 2 2/3 innings, yielding four runs on five hits. The Dodgers have won six of the past eight times Kershaw has been favored.

The Over is 25-10-4 in the Dodgers’ last 39 games versus a team with a losing record.
The Over has cashed 7 of the last 8 times Kershaw has pitched against a club with a losing mark.

Key Injuries - None.


Mets: The injury-racked Mets are cold having lost eight of their last 10. The Mets were out-scored, 13-3, in their last series against the Phillies. If you discount a nine-run performance versus the Pirates, the Mets have scored just 19 runs in their last 10 games. However, the Mets are 12-5 the last 17 times Mike Pelfrey has been an underdog. Pelfrey (6-3, 4.26 ERA) scattered six hits in 7 2/3 innings during his last start, a 1-0 road win on Wednesday versus the Brewers. Pelfrey has faced the Dodgers just once, a 3-2 Mets victory on May 31 of 2008. Pelfrey gave up two runs on seven hits with six strikeouts in seven innings. Mets third baseman David Wright is five-for-40 in his last 10 games with three RBIs. But he is hitting .427 with 34 RBIs in 36 career games against the Dodgers.

The Over is 14-5-3 in Pelfrey’s last 22 starts versus a team with a winning record.

Key Injuries - Carlos Beltran (knee), Jose Reyes (calf) and Carlos Delgado (hip) are all on the DL.

PROJECTED SCORE: 3 (UNDER - Total of the Day)

New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins

Yankees (-$1.35, O/U 9 under -$1.15): The Yankees have won 10 of their last 12 games, averaging 6.6 runs during this span. They have won seven in a row when facing a right-handed starter. CC Sabathia (7-5, 3.85 ERA) is 12-8 with a 3.12 ERA in 27 lifetime starts against the Twins. He has posted a 1.24 ERA in winning his last four starts versus the Twins. But the big lefty also is off one of his worst outings, giving up six runs and a season-high 10 hits in 5 2/3 innings in an 8-4 loss to Seattle last Thursday. Sabathia was 6-1 with a 2.82 ERA during his previous 10 starts. Mark Teixeira is batting .609 in six games against the Twins, while teammate Alex Rodriguez is batting .370 with 21 homers in 55 games at the Metrodome. Rodriguez has blasted five homers in his last 11 games at Minnesota.

The Yankees are 19-7 in their last 26 games versus American League Central Division clubs.

Key Injuries - Chien-Ming Wang (shoulder) is on the DL

PROJECTED SCORE: 5 (Side of the Day)

Twins: The Twins are a season-high three games above .500 and even though they are underdogs, they have multiple angles going for them. They are 22-7 in their last 29 games following an off day. They are 37-14 in their last 51 home games versus a team with a winning record and they are 60-28 overall in their past 88 games at the Metrodome. They also have defeated the Yankees four of the past five times in Minnesota. Right-hander Scott Baker (6-6, 4.99 ERA) is 4-0 with a 3.20 ERA in his last six starts. He allowed only one run and five hits in five innings to pick up a victory in Minnesota’s 2-1 win against Kansas City last Tuesday. Baker is 2-0 with a 1.50 ERA in two career starts against the Yankees. The Twins, however, have failed to win the past five times Baker has been an underdog.

The Under is 20-6-2 in the Twins’ last 26 games as an underdog.

Key Injuries - Kevin Slowey (wrist) is on the DL.


Posted : July 7, 2009 11:11 am