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Thank you Mr. Cash. Well said. Im not here to bash anyone with a fresh opinion but touting the Yanks at -360 ...well it worked but there was some puckering late in the game as the score was 3-2! I like those selections that are +125 and they are already up 7-1 in the 5th inning. If anyone gets one,let us know.

Posted : June 18, 2009 6:47 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Thanks Trace.

Regardless of whether it worked out or not is not the point. The point is that you can't make bets like that and come out ahead, I don't care who you are or how many times it's worked before.

You are literally giving up three and a half additional wagers with this play. I guarantee that any day of the week you could find three underdogs or three smaller favorites that will generate a better return than this particular bet.

Foolish handicapping and foolish money management are an excellent way to separate a fool from his money.

Posted : June 18, 2009 7:19 pm
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Good posts guys, you have to point stuff like this out because everyone gets on a hot streak sooner or later, and if wasn't for reality bits installed in the middle of this BS some newbie might fall for it when this clown eventually gets lucky and wins a couple.

The thing about the -360 play was this - even thought it hit, he laid out, what? -something like $6700 units and gained maybe $300?
WTF kind of investing is that?

The net is full of lousy handicappers, nothing new here, if I stepped up every time I saw one I'd have time for nothing else, but my problem with this assclown is the deceit he attempts in his opening premise - I'm here to help people win money. His intent was to hope his timing was right, he got on a lucky streak at the right time, banked some untis and then solicit for sales for the "STORM" service he purposely declined to mention.
He's being brutalized in every forum he has tried this in, and deservedly so, especially with, as you mentioned, the ridiculous write-ups and excuses.

Too bad that like many services he doesn't actually bet the plays he tries to sell.

Posted : June 19, 2009 12:58 pm
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Good posts guys, you have to point stuff like this out because everyone gets on a hot streak sooner or later, and if wasn't for reality bits installed in the middle of this BS some newbie might fall for it when this clown eventually gets lucky and wins a couple.

The thing about the -360 play was this - even thought it hit, he laid out, what? -something like $6700 units and gained maybe $300?
WTF kind of investing is that?

Appreciate the opinions guys but when you go 21-2 now with the NYY and NYM wins this season as heavy faves, juice is meaningless. Yes betting a heavy fave is risky, but I dont do it every night. If you can pick your spots that makes you better than an average betting Joe. Yes 3600 on a play is nutty, but with 2 losses over 3+ seasons, it is genius and the rest is a matter of opinion. At a 21-2 clip, you win 21,000 and lose say at -250 fave 5000 for the 2 losses. That is 16 grand of profit, for just 1 angle probably more than many people can manage to win in a year combined. A 100 wager doesn't do much for me as one will never win money in the long run betting 50 or 100 per game. It would take months and years of "mistake free" picking to show a meaningful profit. Some just like to play to play. I am here to win. If you dislike my effort to attempt to do something good that is fine. When this succeeds, I'd expect the same few to get back in this thread and say something positive. Thats another challenge for another day though.

Posted : June 19, 2009 2:31 pm
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Yesterday -16.45 units

10 unit plays are nausiating lately, but I have noticed that one of the angles has a horrible 1-5 track record with NL teams, which have been most of the plays. These plays went 18-6 to start the year for me, most which of course were before posting here. They will turn around and probably win at 75-80% the rest of the way. As the season progresses these systems get stronger and I still did not break a sweat yet. Still plenty of time. Standard 1-5 units on totals and 3, 5 or 10 units on sides. Nothing will change. Keeping the same formulas and formats and this will turn around fast. Guaranteed profitable night tonight!


$1000 Philly -145
The Phillies had their chances yesterday letting the bullpen let another slip away. It seems as though since Lidge has been out this team and their pen have thrown in the towel. Not a good relief showing over the last week or so. They will stay at home and face the woeful Orioles, who took 2 of 3 from the reeling Mets. Phillies should win this easily on paper against a weaker AL team. All will depend on how they play and close it out. Bastardo comes off his career worst since making his debut this year. His team needs him to be strong today and he will bounce back big time. The biggest question is will Rich Hill continue pitching the way he has on the road? Against the Phills, I see an early exit for Hill. Philly will win this one easily and forget any previous heart-breaking losses.

$1000 San Fran -105
$200 Tex/SF Under 8
Randy Johnson has to be feeling good. Coming off his 300th win, he has gotten new life as a starter and has been overly sharp of late. A look a Johnsons last 5 starts based on total run output for game: 3,9,6,4,7. This one should finish in the 5-7 run range. Feldman has not been a slouch going 5-1 this season for Texas, who comes off the loss last night. The Rangers were 7-1 in games Feldman started but have lost their last 2 he started. SF is 21-12 at home this season, and after coming off 3 straight home losses look for them to win tonight. Under is 7-0 last 7 gms for Texas vs. NL West. Feldman is 22-6 to the under in his last 28 gms. Rangers have gone 20-7-1 to the under facing a left handed starter.

$500 Washington -110
Washington is a terrible series game 1 play as I have stated many times, but they took 2 of 3 from the Yanks, and could be heading toward a little mini win streak. This team was just about at a .250 win pct. so look for them to start winning some more games, especially on home grounds. Toronto comes in, overvalued by the public, as dogs. A no-brainer, right? Wrong, as the Nats will get a good solid outing from Zim and take this game 1 tonight. Toronto just swept Philly and they go into Washington as dogs? Oddsmakers know something is up in this one. This will be one of those upsets as a fave games. Washington has had some bullpen improvement over the last several and Tallet for Toronto is also coming off an 8 ER outing, so look for him to be a bit shaky possibly.

$500 Detroit -110
The Brewers looked real good against Cleveland, last series but how bad was their pitching? I think Detroit will take full advantage of that as the Brewers were scoring alot but allowing almost as much over the last few games. Looper has not had success in Detroit over the last 2 seasons. In 2 starts there, he allowed 11 ERs. On the road this year, he has allowed 9 ERs in his last 2, and 15 ERs in his last 4 on road. Look for Detroit to take care of him early in this one. Armando Galarraga has more than struggled this year but is well overde to start pitching better. His last home start wasnt a bad one going 7 and allowing 3 ERs to Boston. Look for similar tonight and if he does pitch like that Detroit will easily get him enough run support as they have done all season.

$300 LA Dodgers +100
Soon the Dodgers will get Manny back but for now, they are doing fine without him. Billingsley has the better overall last 3 outings as far as stats go compared to Saunders and the Angels roughed up Billingsley this year. Overall these teams tend to play the low scoring game, and with that being said I feel this will favor the Dodgers. LA did win a 1-0 game with Billingsley on the hill last year. If he can bounce back this time around and pitch good enough, the Dodgers will put up enough in this one to win it. Saunders did lose a 6-0 final to LAD last season. Look for a 4-2 type game here with LA beating LAA.

$300 Cleveland +105(Early start)
Cleveland will look to steal one on the road this afternoon against the Cubs. Cliff Lee will face Rich Harden. Both starters have become household names for fans of these clubs but with a total set at 9 runs look for one of these starters to allow more than one would think. I capped this game at roughly 7 runs. Both teams have had bullpen issues as well recently so this one could get out of hand late. Lee will go deep in this one leaving few mistakes for the Cleveland pen to make. The Indians pen has not allowed a run in the last 4 games Lee started in. That is 7 innings. Lee has allowed just 5 ERs in his last 3 and 9 ERrs over his last 4 on road. Harden has not been good at home with a 5+ ERA in Wrigley. That should be the deciding factor in this one.

Posted : June 19, 2009 2:31 pm
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

#1 - "I am 21-2 on NY big $ plays."
"These plays were 18-6 to start the year."
I was waiting for the imaginary wins to show up, to try and divert focus from the actual offered plays. But "it is genius"?? "GENIUS"??!!
Even if not for the plays themselves, and the nonsense %'s and hype, you deserve all the slings and arrows that come your way for self-serving statements like that.

#2 - Contrary to your statement of appreciation, I posted no opinions, just facts.
You're record is beyond bad.
Your picks suck and are Joe Public specials.
Your money management is beneath amateur.

#3 - Now your unit update has gone "Claude Raines/HG Wells" just like your W/L record. No worries, I got your back, girlfriend: minus 92.45 units after last night.
In other words, the 200 units you said you would bank will now actually have to be 300, after you climb from the hell-hole abyss you have dug yourself. And a $100 better would be down almost $10,000.00 if he was stupid enough to not see your lame analysis/reasonings for plays, your child-like money management, and your tiresome repeated claims of "this turns around starting tonight!"

But I do believe you were honest in one of your statements - "yes, these plays are mine, not copied from anyone" - this may very well be true, because it would be near impossible to find anyone as bad as you.

Side note - you can dig out much quicker if you keep using past-posted games, such Clev, who was already up 7-1 when you posted them.

Posted : June 19, 2009 5:33 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Nascar, EZ pardner. You might blow a bloodvessel if not careful!

Posted : June 19, 2009 6:32 pm
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Thanks for the concern, Bud, and yes, like W.Z., "I'm just an excitable boy."

Here's the thing of it though - while raising me, my grandparents taught me that if you can help people who need help then you should.
This is contrary to how touts exist - bettors who are winning do not turn to touts, they have no need of them. Bettors who are losing, and in many cases are in dire need of help, turn to touts.
So, touts make their living not by betting their picks (I have met many and most of those don't bet on sports) but by exploiting people who need help.

True, it can be said that if kids are stupid enough to fall for the touts bogus claims they get what they deserved, but I don't look at it like that.
I prefer educating the ignorant rather than taking advantage of them, which is why I have always written columns and posted to expose guys like this Storm clown and his platinum service.

On the other hand, I have to be thankful - I've cleaned up by fading him since he started here, having seen this approach many times before and immediately recognizing it for what it is. And I won again last night. I've banked enough to handle any blind luck winning streak he may stumble onto, but will most likely drop off now, satisfied with a killer profit. Greed is the downfall of many a bettor. I prefer to isolate a situation, jump in, then cash out.
Still, based on non-sensical writeups - "Phil will win this one EASILY, and forget any previous heart breaking losses" (too fukin funny) I'd say there's still money to be made here on the self-proclaimed Boy Genius, especially if he continues with the recent predictable amatuer move - increasing play (also known as chasing.)

Posted : June 20, 2009 11:21 am
Posts: 37
Trusted Member

mr. nascar its getting deep in here.first you defend the guy -then u bash him when he starts losing(every time i read one of your posts i would have swore you were taking some of his advice)-now all of a sudden youve been fading him from the get go????????????an intelligent bettor would not bet on all his picks just because of his claims-likewise an intelligent bettor would not fade all of his picks-talk about smelling something

Posted : June 20, 2009 12:48 pm
Posts: 128
Estimable Member


I said early on page one, in my second post on this topic "touts make good fades."
Not sure why any of my posts would seem, to you, like I followed his plays.
Reading and comprehension problems I guess. GED?

I never defended him - post any line in which I do.
My first post was to another poster who attacked him, stating clearly, "don't discourage others that do (post picks)."
Hardly a defense, more of a "don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg" kind of thing (although after watching his replies in other forums it is obvious this guy isn't going to disappear no matter how much he loses, or how many posters laugh at him.)

I take advice from no cappers, I do very well with my own stuff and the occasional fade on scammers.

No, I haven't bet every play, never said I did; just the ones that fit other criteria I use.

Yes, I have been fading him since early on. Again, as posted in just my second post here, regarding fading guys like this.

My record stands for itself - I have a well-established history of being anti-tout. I have written many columns as a bettors advocate, pointing out various scams, and must be decent at it since I am well compensated and have been for about 10 years now.
And that experience makes it easy to analyze talent in a handicapper, and BS in a scamdicapper.

I would have posted more info sooner, but am new here and was unsure if Blade and Michael are tolerant of touts, or even in business/co-promoting, as many sites are. After it was clear they are interested in providing info for bettors, I stepped up with more info on "thestorm."

Not sure what it is "you're smelling" but I'd suggest taking a shower.
And not talking out your ass.

As for you, "aftermath of the storm", despite posts about how much you have been winning with plays before you posted here, let's share your current ranking at the site you wished wasn't monitoring you:

Rank 62: AftermathOfTheStorm.

-238.1 units 514-570 47.42%

Over 1,000 picks now, and only 27% away from the mythical 70% you say you hit.

Hope this helps you sell a few more packages.

Posted : June 20, 2009 1:44 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Yes betting a heavy fave is risky, but I dont do it every night. If you can pick your spots that makes you better than an average betting Joe. Yes 3600 on a play is nutty, but with 2 losses over 3+ seasons, it is genius and the rest is a matter of opinion. At a 21-2 clip, you win 21,000 and lose say at -250 fave 5000 for the 2 losses. That is 16 grand of profit, for just 1 angle probably more than many people can manage to win in a year combined. A 100 wager doesn't do much for me as one will never win money in the long run betting 50 or 100 per game. It would take months and years of "mistake free" picking to show a meaningful profit.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I mean seriously, this has to be the biggest crock of shit I've seen since I accidentally drank some water in Mexico last year.

I'll have to admit you have drawn me in because I had to read this shit 4 times to fully comprehend what was written here.

My head is spinning right now because of the ignorance, I don't even know where the hell to start

Platinum Standard,

Winning is a percentage my man, not a dollar amount. Always has been, always will be. I looked it up.

If I bet your plays for $1 and you bet your plays for $10,000 per unit, we will both always of lost the same. Check it out yourself by asking any 3rd grader.

Second, you can't "say" your 2 losses are -250 for $5000 on your 21-2 claim. They are either -250 or they are more than -250 or less than -250. If you don't know what they are, then you can't "say" that's what they are and what the losses from them would be. That's bullshit and you know it. Total - made up - gibberish.

Also, 21-2 isn't an "angle" and you didn't "find" it, it's called a "trend" and it doesn't take any kind of genius to spot a 21-2 in a sea of 6-4's and 2-3's.

Lastly, you are right about one thing. It WILL take months and years to make a reasonable profit betting your plays. But it's because of your selections, not because of the amount of money being wagered on them.

Listen to what I am telling you right now...give this up, it's not for you, you are not a handicapper and most likely a very, very unsuccessful gambler. If you can't give it up, find some support to help give it up.

This is my 10th year in the business and I can tell you right now that the hours in your day you are spending doing this are being wasted. You would make more money using that time selling knockoff purses on eBay.

Posted : June 20, 2009 4:23 pm
Posts: 84
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$300 LAD/LAA Under 9
It is Weaver vs. Weaver tonight. Interesting match-up. Last night the Angels came back and cost me and went over in the process which makes me a candidate for an under play tonight. These teams have surely had some low scoring affairs in the past. Jered owns the Dodgers, and without Manny in this line-up he should shine brighter. Five previous outings vs. LAD with only 5 ERs total. He has shut them out twice. Jeff will need to keep pace with his brother and even though he has struggled in the past I think there is the extra motivational factor tonight to get him a stellar outing. I would lean Angels as they are smoking hot and with Jered and his 1.01 home ERA who could blame one for choosing the home fave tonight. Under is the smarter play tonight in a competitive 4-2 final.

$300 Oak/SD Over 8
Tonight pits B. Anderson against W. Silva. Neither starter can be talked about in a good light. Opponents have put up 5 runs in each of Silvas starts this year. He allowed 5 ERs in his last to a banged up NYM offense. The overs are hitting more than usual at Petco of late. Anderson is the concern, allowing 6 ERs in 2 of his last 3 on road. He has gone less than 5 innings in 4 of his last 8 outings. 3 of the 4 were on the road, so the odds get better for us. He has gone over in 5 of his last 7 starts, in which opponents are putting up over 7 runs per game on average in those 7 outings. Brett could win this total alone. He has pitched bad in 3 of his last 4, and with bad road history this one will clear the 8 runs.

$100 Arz/Sea Under 9
Vargas has absolutely been on fire, especially at home. He will go tonight instead of Bedard. Vargas seems to bring out the best in his opposition as well. At home, Vargas has a 1.80 ERA. Much better than his 3.56 overall. His first home start as a Mariner saw a battle with Justin Masterson and a 3-2 final. Then he faced Randy Johnson in a 2-1 final. Lastly a 3-2 final vs. Baltimore, where Bergeson pitched a gem too. In fact, all 7 of Vargas starts have gone under. I like him at home, coming off a rough outing, trying to keep a spot in rotation as well. Buckner needs a good outing too, as he has allowed 14 ERs in his last 2 starts, both at home. He shows better numbers away as he only allowed 1 ER on the road this year.

Posted : June 20, 2009 7:51 pm
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Funny Nascar, I surely thought the game was in a rain delay at the time of this post. Guess your not perfect either. Again, your opinions are great for those who agree with you. I am not one of those guys. Yes as quick as there was a 90+ unit losing couple weeks it could easily be under 200 units in the next couple. You can talk trash August 31st, cause that is when this will be completed or not. Be patient. You may look smart or dumb come September.

Posted : June 20, 2009 7:57 pm
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After today's games I will have the stats updated. I was not surprised yesterday that the Angels scored 2 in the bottom of the 9th to ruin the under and the M's and D-Backs scoring 7 runs from the 7th inning on or just Seattle putting 5 up in their final 2 at bats to cost me the under in that one. 1-2 for a 1.3 unit loss. Just the way the plays have been losing for these past couple weeks. Hopefully I can get on the right side of some upcoming games for a change. Hoping for a monster day today!

Happy Father's Day 6/21

$300 Detroit -120
$200 Mil/Det Under 8
Look for both Yovani Gallardo and Justin Verlander to go deep in this contest leaving the bullpens with short work this afternoon. That along with solid pitching will keep this one under the reduced total of now 8 runs. Gallardo has fluctuated with how deep he has gone in games on the road. His stats over the last 5 rd gms: 9 innings, 7,5,8, and 5. Look for him to bounceback and go the 7 innings today. If he keeps innings short and does not walk Tigers today that should happen. In his last 5 outings of over 5 innings, opponents have scored a total of 6 runs. Verlander is back to form. He is on a bounce back start but has only allowed 2 ERs in his last 4 home starts. The Brewers pen has been performing poorly so Detroit will steal this one late.

$300 Washington +115
Look at these Nationals. Winning the last 2 at Yanks and now the first 2 at home vs. Jays. They will sweep today. Baseball is all about streaks, and the are streaking in a positive way right now after one of the worst starts I have seen. The starters are taking the reigns, and the bullpen is finally pitching well. The Nats have had lengthy outings for their starting rotation with Detwiler last night and Lannan almost going the distance the other night. Actually no starter has gone less than 5 innings during this win streak or in their last 10 games for that matter. Martis comes off a strong outing in NY and should shine brighter today. This team has the confidence to pull it off and I see them getting it done.

$1000 Philly -160
The Phillies are not in a good place. They were swept by Toronto at home, now lose 2 straight to Baltimore. Things should not get worse as this team needs to turn it around now! Hamels needs to go the distance today or close to it to give his bullpen a much needed day of rest. He can very well do it. Phills have lost 7 of 8 and of those 7 losses, 5 of them were the bullpens doing. Philly has stayed close in games or have had leads and the pen has allowed the game to get blown open. The only way to stop this is to break the cycle for a day. Hamels needs a strong performance. I love the match-up as Guthrie has an 8+ ERA on the road this year and in his last 3 games as well. Phills should finally break the barrier today and win by 5+.

$300 San Fran +125
Millwood will face Zito today in the finale. Kevin Millwood is having a phenominal year, but lets not hold him in that high of a light away from home. His team is only 2-4 when he starts on the road compared to 6-2 with him starting at home. Zito would need an extremely solid outing today to get his team a win. I feel after his poor home outing last time out, he will come back stronger today. This one should be a tight game but these starters could allow several today so lean over. Giants have stolen 2 games in this series on late run scoring. See them doing it again.

$300 San Diego +110
I love the Pads as the home dogs today. Brett Anderson pitched better tan I thought yesterday. Alot of people are putting a big ride on Dallas Braden for today. The Pads are by no means a good ballclub this year but neither is Oakland. They have failed to get run support and even with a well pitched game from Braden they can still lose. Correia allowed 1 ER in his last start vs. Oakland last year but will face a different line-up. Braden has pitched well in 9 of his last 10 outings this year. Funny how the As managed to win just 4 of those 10 games, 3 of them by 2 runs or less. They also won 2 of those 4 wins by only 1. This one should stay tight either way. I like the home dog over an iffy As ballclub for the final play of Fathers Day!

Posted : June 21, 2009 11:43 am
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Nice winners today. Not very good management.

Posted : June 21, 2009 6:32 pm
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