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Platinum MLB

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Posts: 7610
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While I have personally grown tired of your act I am gonna leave it up to the other posters here to decide what should be done with you.

Please voice your opinion

YES- Allow this idiot to stay so you can fade the picks he posts everyday


NO - Boot this fucking moron

Posted : July 30, 2009 3:10 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member


Posted : July 30, 2009 4:07 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

MR N, where else is this guy posting at? You said he is trolling for customers but I have to say I have never seen him promote this stuff on the site.

You also mentioned Aftermath, what's that all about.

Drop me an email please mseaton@


Posted : July 30, 2009 5:23 pm
Posts: 37
Trusted Member

i say let him stay simply because this is a free country-nobody has to read his posts-if its true hes one of the worst ranked cappers who cares somebody has to be worst-as for duping people we are all adults on this site and anyone who falls for anybodys pitch deserves to lose-somewhere a man is at an auto dealer about to buy a lemon and overpay for it ,but wait... mr. ivewatchedfartoomanyleftturns is on his way to save him-different scenario-same principle-ps is just a rat in lifes race trying to make a buck

Posted : July 30, 2009 5:43 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Thanks TJ, I appreciate your comments. That is why I posted this in the first place because after he told me to shut the fuck up it would of been very easy to simply cut him off but I wanted to let everyone else say their piece.

What you said here will definitely go into my decision as to what happens from here.

My concern is that he has become a distraction to the other posters and it's kinda like a car accident. You don't have to look but you sometimes can't help it.

Posted : July 30, 2009 5:56 pm
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

From platinum standard:

"1-4 last night, minus 16 units, but could have been 6-0.

I was looking good in the top of the first with the Yankees, but then they played another nine innings. Who'd have figured?

I had the Phillies game capped correctly, they just didn't score 8 runs. BASTARDS!

And my Florida pick should have been a winner but a Haitian immigrant in Loge section 129, row C, seat eight, had Atlanta and placed a Santeria curse on the Marlins and screwed me. You can't cap that stuff!

Only 16 units lost though, closing in on 100 units overall, but give me my fucking props because last week I had a winning day.

When I disappear it will NOT be because it is time to hide for a while then try again under my latest, newest name, it will be because you guys are too stupid to bet the picks I give you that win - I repeat: "I AM DOING SOMETHING GOOD HERE!" - and are overall just an unappreciative bunch of chicks (please don't notice that I transparently started to set these wheels in motion yesterday by complaining about how I'm treated here, as if I haven't been treated the same elsewhere.)

We start to turn this thing around NOW!!

ps - And don't ask why I took down my recent records on totals. If you all weren't so stupid you would realize I took it down for the same reason I stopped posting my overall record after the first week."

Posted : July 31, 2009 10:37 am
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

I surf each morning looking for material to use, and saw him at another joint where he was treated fairly at first but ignored straightforward, honest questions. Posters didn't appreciate that so a couple of them googled him and posted their findings. He continued to ignore them, like here, but then finally won a few games and decided to engage, laughing at the faders for about 2 weeks; now, they whip him like a bitch.
(google platinum & aftermath, it's all out there & easy to find.)

aftermathofthestorm is another of his names, and his website.
(after refusing to admit it at first he finally slipped, as you can see above, when he tried to whitewash his season record and ranking as noted at a monitor site, calling it irrelevant to his picks here, and thus inadvertently admitting it is him.)

He doesn't promote thus far because it was a fishing trip - cast the bait, hope it wins, then try and pull in a customer. If it doesn't, disappear, come back later with a new name and try again. It's the old "throw some shit at the wall and see if it sticks" ploy, common amongst scam services.

That's why he didn't use aftermath here - if it wins "Hey! Want more??!! Check me out at xxx" If it loses, he doesn't have to let people know who he is.

I found this place because I was surfing for NASCAR stuff and you provide excellent content (how f'ing boring is Indy? Loved Pablo's comments to NASCAR though.)
I randomly visit a few places, but only post at two, three now that I joined in here.
I'm not one of the guys exposing him at other sites (as my posting style could show) they have him pretty well covered, but since I signed up to post NASCAR stuff here I thought I'd share what I saw elsewhere on this clown.

There are two schools of thought on dealing with victims of scammers, the governments: "it's a victimless crime, if you're stupid enough to fall for it you get what you deserve; besides, sports betting is illegal in your state so you shouldn't have been involved anyway."
This is why so few of them go to jail, despite false advertising.
The other thought is to provide info and help bettors make informed choices. I choose that path. And it has been rewarding. Letters from kids that almost fell for a scam are nice, taking money out of the scsammers pocket is nice, but the best has come from networking - friends and business associates developed via altrusim and not being afraid to face any of the scammers I have written about. (Lawsuits and personal threats have come, and none were man enough to follow through after speaking with me.)
A guy e-mailed me after losing 20k to a popular scammer. He saw a column I wrote, said if he had seen it sooner he could have saved the 20k; I eventually met the guy, and became friends. He owned then sold a patent on a shuffle master for about 40 mil.
A good contact and good friend.
Karma? I don't know.

I agree with Boo, don't boot him. He's a whiny little shit but he's good for a laugh.
I mean, c'mon "Chicago game could have been a winner but it wasn't" is priceless.
Besides, he's laid the groundwork for running away anyway, with his posts yesterday. As it gets closer to his deadline he'll rabbit and say it was because of how he was treated here, rather than embarrassment - which is impossible when you lack pride or integrity - or the real reason - the picks losts and he won't hook any fish this time.

He's not a kid with a passion for betting, he's a service, and a scam one at that (NO bankroll could have survived being down all those units; he doesn't bet these plays.)

He points at you and says "Judge me on my week, or month, don't judge me on one day" even though you did no such thing - you didn't judge on one day, you noted his overall performance, which is how it should be viewed.
But he ignores that. It's called deflection. Just like posting the small windows where he actually got lucky and won, rather than the overall picture. Deflection.

He whines "you should respect me" but has done nothing to earn it, except in his twisted view ("I lose, but keep coming back to lose more - RESPECT ME!" Douchebag, that's called masochism, nothing to respect about it.)
But he is capable of doing no damage here, everyone is educated.
And as I said, he's getting ready to cut and run anyway.
Like KGB, I'm done with him.
Nothing left to point out, and besides, you can't debate with a guy who just makes stuff up and is delusional to boot.

Posted : July 31, 2009 10:38 am
Posts: 84
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Topic starter

The Standard: 200 units

Yesterday: 1-5-1, -18.45 units

Currently: -90.45 units
Units remaining: 290.45

July (+29.6 units)

Rather pitiful day. Besides the Cubs game, Mets, Phillies, and Cards all blew leads. Yanks, Cards, and Marlins tied the games back up only to lose. Gut-wrenching night, especially when things all fall the other way.
July will be a profitable month, but August needs to be huge to get this thread into a winning prediciton...


$500 LAA +145
$500 Washington -115
$200 Baltimore +105
$200 Bos/Bal Over 9
$200 Det/Cle Under 9

Posted : July 31, 2009 2:41 pm
Posts: 84
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Topic starter

Mr Nascar, a man with nothing better to do. Do you read that 3rd book yet.
You could use some fine tuning.

After reading all your "opinions" I feel you have been burned by scam services in the past. See the thing with me is, I never denied anything, and I have posted my units since day 1. So don't go there. A scam service wouldn't still be around. That is what proves you know nothing of what you speak of. You can use big words but that doesn't prove anything.

I never came in here bragging about 70% like other services. I said I would try to win 200 units. So far it is not on pace to get there, but the integrity is. Most people who did this would've been gone after a couple bad weeks.

I will love it best when this is over, hopefully as a winning thread. I will still come in here and post, proving you know nothing of the meaningless thread space you waste with your opinions. As for your shit sticking to the wall...Well members will know how full of it your are when I'm still posting here. Deal with it.

Posted : July 31, 2009 2:50 pm
Posts: 84
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Topic starter

The Standard: 200 units

Yesterday: 2-3, -0.70 units

Currently: -91.15 units
Units remaining: 291.15

July +28.9 units
Much better than June. Let's see how August treats. Need to get hot and finish strong.


$500 Chicago/Florida Over 8.5
This is one of the higher ranked totals for today. The Cubs and Marlins have both been pretty solid offensively of late. They have also hit 9 of 12 overs when playing in Florida heading into this series. The Cubs will have big Z, Carlos Zambrano going for the Cubs while the Marlins send Badenhop to the hill. Zambranos last 6 against Florida have gone over and 8 of his last 10. Badenhop has never faced the Cubs but will give up 3-4 in this one. Look for a minimum of 9 but more like 10-11 in this one.

$300 LA Angels/Minnesota Under 10
An array of totals today, mostly seeing under the totals. The Angels and Minnesota should cruise to an under today. Saunders faces Swarzak. Swarzak faced the Angels already this season allowing just 1 ER over nearly 7 innings. Saunders has had success in LA allowing just 2 ERs in 15 innings over the last 2 seasons. Saunders has struggled lately but will go inning for inning with Swarzak in what looks to be a solid under wager. Look for 5-7 in this one staying under the already lowered total.

$200 Tampa Bay -1.5(-135)
By my calculations the Rays should be able to easily dispose of the slumping Royals. I predict a 6-1 or 6-2 final in this one. The Rays have been just too good of late to start losing home games against weak opponents. They are slowly getting back into the race for another division title. Jeff Niemann will start for Tampa. He is 2-1 in his last 3 with a 2.66 ERA while his opponent, Bruce Chen shows an 0-2 with a 6.23 in his last 3. Chen is 0-5 overall and the Royals have won just one game out of his 6 starts. Niemann is on the bounceback, and has two shutout performances in his last 3 at home.

$200 Seattle/Texas Under 8.5
Both starters slated to go today have really been on fire. Hernandez will face Tommy Hunter in Texas. It has already been documented that the Rangers are the best under team in the league. Seemingly this total is on the move downward so if you are going to play it get it in asap. I dont think the move will matter much as these starters prove they can keep this one at a 3-2 game. Hunter has a 0.95 ERA in his last 3 and shows a 3-1 home mark with a 2.40 ERA. He shut out Seattle over 6 innings in his last meeting with them. Opponents are averaging 2 runs per contest in his outings. Look for the dominant pitching to continue in this one.

$200 Toronto/Oakland Under 9
Brett Cecil will be the story in this one. As we keep an eye on this ace right now, he is showing solid numbers of late going 2-0 in his last 3, with a 0.45 ERA. He leads the league in ERA over his last 3 starts. Oakland should struggle scoring in this one. Cecil has shut down Oakland previously over 8 innings allowing none, just 5 hits and 6 Ks. Cahill will counter Cecil, and he has struggled. He allowed 6 ERs in his last outing but has pitched pretty well at home overall. Jays are without Rolen, and Holliday has been removed. Two big hitters out of these line-ups, with these starters make for a good under play. Cahill allowed just 2 ERs in his previous start vs. Jays. Look for a 4-2 final at best here.

$200 Milwaukee/San Diego Over 8
The oddsmakers must know something is up with this one. Besides for the fact that Richard will make his debut for San Diego, I just dont have any confidence in Burns or what will even be close to a total of 8 runs. Burns and the Brewers have allowed roughly 7 runs per game over his 5 starts. Three of those starts were finals of double digits while 2 were 9 run finals. All of those games would beat an over 8 regardless. Burns has pitched to the over in 4 of his 5. The only under was set at 10.5 runs. Richard will pitch better facing an NL line-up but the Brewers put up 7 runs in his start against them this year. He has pitched 16 innings and 2 ERs allowed in his last 2, but even with that kind of performance it will likely be a lopsided final still going over the total. Look for 10-12 here.

Posted : August 1, 2009 2:56 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

Mr.Nascar. Thanks so much for your enlightening remarks on platinumstandard. Your comments have a lot of validation as I searched and found out this person is a complete waste of people's time. Let him keep posting because it's great fodder.
Touch'em all Mr.Nascar because you hit a grand slam homerun with your diagnosis on platniumstandard.

Posted : August 1, 2009 3:25 pm
Posts: 84
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Topic starter

The Standard: 200 units

Yesterday: 2-4, -2.90 units

Currently: -94.05 units
Units remaining: 294.05

July +28.9 units


$500 LAA/Minnesota Under 10
$400 Minnesota +110
This line still continues to drop. The Twins look to defeat the Angels today as they send Perkins to the hill. Perkins has only allowed 1 ER in 17 career innings vs. LA over two starts. Even though Perkins and Weaver, who will counter for LA, have been struggling of late, both starters show decent history. Weaver and the Angels have allowed an average of about 4 runs per outing vs. Minnesota. The total is set high as these team have lit it up offensively this season going over in all but 1 meeting. The line is at a high 10 but is it high based on previous numbers? The way these two pitchers have pitched in the past, I look past the struggles of late and see these two having rather nice outings. Look for 7 runs the most in this one as Minny takes this one by a couple.

$400 Baltimore +150
Baltimore should salvage one game in this series as Clay Bucholz will face off against John Berken. The Orioles have dropped the first two and turn to Berken who has already pitched against this Sox club. Berken has pitched pretty good despite going 1-8 on the season. The reason is the lack of support offensively. The Os have lost 10 of his 12 starts. Boston managed just 4 runs in his last outing while Bucholz has struggled in his previous 2 vs. Baltimore. The Orioles put up 18 runs in his 2 starts last year and look to do the same this afternoon. Should be a close one regardless, take the plus money on the home dog as the Sox continue their rough stretch of inconsistancy.

$400 Cincy +125
After a rough stretch of starts Bronson Arroyo has pretty much gotten back on track pitching 2 shutouts and allowing just 8 ERs in his last 27.2 innings. Marquis has also pitched well but comes his team comes off of 2 losses out of his last 3 starts. The Rockies are looking like they are simmering offensively. Look for the Reds to put more on the board in another close contest. The under may seem like a strong play in this one as Marquis has gone under in his last 5 while Arroyo and the Reds have gone 3-0-1 to the under in his last 4. Look for a 4-3 or 5-4 game.

$400 Chisox +130
When are the Yankees not a favorite? Even on the slide they are on, they still continue to be faves. The Yanks are well overdue for a slide. They have lost 3 in a row, and at times in the past they have been known to lose 5 or 6 straight. We could be witnessing one right here as Sabathia will face the lights out pitching of Mark Buehrle. Buehrle allowed 5 ERs following his perfect game in his last start. He will bounce back today as the Sox look to get back in the playoff hunt. The Sox have not faired well against the Yanks in the past as each starters team W-L record shows bad outcomes for Sox backers. However, the results have been good in this series. Buehrle has dominated at home of late allowing only 4 ERs in his last 3. Look for Chicago to finish the Yanks off in the finale.

$200 Tampa Bay -1.5(-130)
The Rays are hot and the Royals still are not. KC started the year nicely but have vaporized ever since and find themselves as the worst in the AL. Tampa is gaining momentum gaining ground slowly on Boston and the Yanks. Shields has had his way with KC at home in the past. In his last 3 at home, he has allowed 2 ERs in each with KC finishing all 3 games with the 2 runs. I expect similar results today. Bannister, who has struggled at times this year, has come alive of late and has shown improvement. He and KC have lost his last 4 outings with Tampa. He has allowed 15 ERs in his last 3 in Tampa. Rays should easily put up 7+ today just as they did yesterday. Look for similar results to Saturdays contest. Rays by 5 and the runline win.

Posted : August 2, 2009 11:59 am
Posts: 84
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Topic starter

The Standard: 200 units

Yesterday: 0-6, -24.10 units

Currently: -118.15 units
Units remaining: 318.15

July +28.9 units

Can't say anything good about yesterday. All 5 sides were hopeful into each game after being down in all of em. Safe to say none turned out the way I wanted. Need to suck it up and post some winners moving forward. A major hill to climb, with no 10 unit plays for a while. Need a 70%+ side run to finish August off and hopefully I can still get to the desired units.
Day by day, one game at a time...


$200 Pittsburgh -145
$500 Wsh/Pit Over 9
Garrett Mock will make another start for the hurting Nats. Their rotation has become one of the weakest in baseball and their bullpen is probably at a minor league level these days. In fact, the Nats make just about any team look great. Mock is 0-4 on the season and has yet to win a start dating back to last year where the Nats went 0-3 in his starts. They are 0-3 in his starts this year as well. Opponents have tallied 24 runs in his 3 starts this year averaging 8 RPG. The Nats were outscored 24-10 in those games. With Charlie Morton pitching the way he has, the Nats will struggle to keep this one close. Morton has never faced Washington, but in his 2 home starts as a Pirate, he has one shutout and has allowed 3 ERs in 12 ings. Morton gets my vote, Pirates roll 8-3.

$500 Baltimore +250
Chris Tillmann will make his sophomore start in the big leagues while Verlander will look to continue his new found dominance. The Tigers are a heavy fave in this one, as the Os have slumped of late. Tillmann was broken in well in his first outing allowing 3 ERs in less than 5 innings. He allowed 7 hits, 3 of them homers. The Os come off a tiring series with the Sox and an 18-10 loss yesterday. Tigers have had struggles recently as well dropping 2 of 3 to the lowly Indians on the road. No one has faith in Baltimore on the road against Verlander. Look for a cataclismic upset tonight as Tillmann will keep Detroit in a rut. At this price with a new faced starter with one start under his belt, anything is possible. Don't judge on one start.

Posted : August 3, 2009 5:04 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Yesterday: 0-6, -24.10 units

Currently: -118.15 units
Units remaining: 318.15

July +28.9 units

Might want to take July off there since August 1 and 2 has pretty much erased that.

Give it up kid, this business isn't for you

Posted : August 3, 2009 5:09 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

Don't be so hard on the kid even though he asks for all the trouble. Creates his own problems and can't handle the heat in the kitchen either.

Posted : August 3, 2009 7:25 pm
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