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By vegas-runner

Allright fellas...We start the new week off by trying to cash in on a CBB "Early Move" made by the Betting Syndicates...and supported by my own Ratings/Numbers...We are "3-1" on those CBB "True Steam" BETS...And tonight, we'll try to add to that with a nice Home Dog on the added board...

More times than can be sure that the majority of "moves" on the added board, are Wiseguy related...And more importantly for those of us that follow many of these Betting Syndicate Plays...Since the sportsbooks know that the betting public will rarely help them acheive any type of balance on these added board games...they go ahead and over-adjust...

And the best way to take advantage of to allow them to make that adjustment, then employ some patience...Because what happens is that the books create such a "middle" opportunity for these Outfits...that as tip-off approaches...most times, they will go ahead and send out a "Buy-Order" on the "Other" try and catch that "middle"...

This manuever then allows us to get almost as good of a line as the Outfits did...because once again, the sportsbooks will have to adjust for that "steam"...And if it happens to be an added game that the betting public is also getting involved in...many times, we will find ourselves with an even better number than those Betting Syndicates got...

Finally, because bettors see a line that has gone up and then down...or down, and then up...many times they will have no idea what side, if any...the Wiseguys are one...But because we have some very solid sources, who are behind many of these line moves that we see, each and everyday...we can be sure, on whether or's actually a "True Position"...And in tonight's case, this is definitely "True Stream"...VR

CBB "TRUE STEAM" for MONDAY 1-11-10 :

ST PETER'S opened +6....Now +4.5

The betting line for this match-up actually went up last night, because as more and more public bettors move over to basketball, from football...the sportsbooks aren't as afraid to put out a line...Because they know that they won't just be going up against the Wiseguys anymore...And when this line went up at 6, we immediately saw a few Outfits grab it...which forced the adjustment down to 5.5...Where it closed at on Sunday night, and where most books that had yet to offer a number, also opened it...

Then this morning, the race was on...Because after having some more time to break this match-up down, the Wiseguys realized that there was still plenty of value on the home dog...And because they also knew that this game wouldn't receive the kind of public action needed to force an adjustment, and possibly get an even better line by soon as one Outfit grabbed +5.5...the rest joined the party and began buying up all the +5.5 & +5's that were out there...

And this forced the books to drop the line to where we see it now...ST PETER'S +4.5.

LINE PREDICTION : Because I know from years of moving "steam"...that the lines the Outfits like to work middles around most in basketball...are those around the numbers 4,5,6, & 7...I believe that we just may see some try and decrease their position, in order to try and catch a nice "middle" to start the week...The reason for this is that those are the "key numbers" in basketball...Simply because of the reason, more games end by those margins, than any other...So I would not be surprised at all, to see this one creep back to 5 and even the "squarer outs"...Because those shops which don't accept much Wiseguy money, will almost certainly be booking Niagara from the betting public...With that said, if you see this one drop even 1/2 point more...then you can be 100% sure that the Betting Syndicates absolutely love this position...And more importantly, have uncovered some more supporting data...since they now have had more time to work on the match-up...As opposed to when they step up and take a position on an "opening number"...Those "early moves" are almost always based on the fact that the Outfit's Lines...differ from what the books hung up...And many times, those are the moves that they get off of completely...VR

Thanks again for all your support fellas...And remember, the oddsmakers/bookmakers are currently being forced to make some adjustments for all the bettors making their way over to basketball...Because of that, there will be plenty of good opportunities to profit...As long as you are able to identify when those adjustments are warrented, and when they are simply based on "Public Perception"

Posted : January 11, 2010 2:36 pm