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Friday Winners Symposium

15 Posts
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Post Up:

Spurs -7
Nets -2.5

Iowa State +9


Posted : December 12, 2008 12:19 pm
Posts: 245
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Hou/GS over 215
Tor/NJ over 205

Posted : December 12, 2008 2:31 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Samson, in your system what value do you assign as a unit? For example is it 1:1 10:1, etc. Since I haven't really been following this thread I'm not sure if you are just above even at +45 or if you are having a really good run at +45.

Also, how do you grade your picks? Do you include juice lost?

Keep up the good work gents

Posted : December 12, 2008 2:32 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

I've been watching his picks for a couple of days now. And no, +45 does not reflect juice lost.

Samson, in your system what value do you assign as a unit? For example is it 1:1 10:1, etc. Since I haven't really been following this thread I'm not sure if you are just above even at +45 or if you are having a really good run at +45.

Also, how do you grade your picks? Do you include juice lost?

Keep up the good work gents

Posted : December 12, 2008 2:50 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

Not sure what you mean by 10:1 or 1:1. Basically, his unit is just a unit. If you play 1$ per game, then a unit is 1$. If you play 598$ per game, then you unit is 598$.. and so forth.

Posted : December 12, 2008 2:54 pm
Posts: 165
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Samson, in your system what value do you assign as a unit? For example is it 1:1 10:1, etc. Since I haven't really been following this thread I'm not sure if you are just above even at +45 or if you are having a really good run at +45.

Also, how do you grade your picks? Do you include juice lost?

Keep up the good work gents

Cash, not trying to promote or anything at all, but to explain my system you would be best just to check out my blog that is updated every day with records (you can go to link in my profile). In the right side-bar I have the records by week and season. Near the bottom is my explanation of units and how they are assigned to each play along with rating system.

Take note I don't release all of my bets here, only a few to start out the day and get the symposium rolling. The picks are monitored by clients and updated daily by a client who actually is a member here, and I will leave it at that.

Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck to all!

Posted : December 12, 2008 4:10 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I gotta be honest with you, from where I'm sitting it looks like you're definitely trying to promote.

I went to your site and it appears that 1 unit equals 1 single unit and you don't factor in juice.

That took me one sentence to type out and everyone now knows and nobody needed to go to your site via the link in your profile.

Also, you have in your post today +45 units the last 2.5 weeks. You also have that same promotion on your website. If you don't post all your plays here then I think it's misleading to say you are +45 units when all your posted plays here do not add up to that.

I'm not trying to bust your balls but more or less say lets not kid each other. I know your main motivation for posting here and that's fine with me, but keep in mind you are a lot better off on my good side then my bad side.

Posted : December 12, 2008 4:49 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

Thanks Cash. I didn't even realize +45 unit did not add up. Should've digged Samson's previous posts a little more.

Posted : December 12, 2008 5:04 pm
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With all do respect Cash, I can think of several other long time members here who keep their websites or blogs for their service in their profile. I think you have the wrong impression of me being some greedy tout at this forum. I post picks here every day and keep this symposium going when many are too busy over at the other forums to even notice. I have even been posting since NBA preseason and I was the only one replying to my own posts when no one even looked in this forum besides management. I often post picks over at the NFL forum for football as well on prime time games.

I won't put up the units earned if thats what this is all about, however I can thumb through many postings at these forums and find cappers posting recent streaks or records without a YTD at the spread. I don't really need to post a YTD or streak for anyone to see the quality in these plays anyway, because if anyone follows my few plays here every day in a week or so they will show a nice profit. In fact, I will go in and remove the units earned right now from my picks today. Your right, it is misleading so I should only post a YTD here at the forum if I post any at all.

So, not trying to play a victim here at all, it's all fair in love and war. But, if you all want me off the forum and to not post my picks here, I can live with that. If thats the case, it's been fun Cash and I appreciate everything as you guys run a solid forum. Just let me know if you want me off and I can live with that.

Thanks 🙂


Posted : December 12, 2008 5:18 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

You are making your own assumptions about the meaning of my statements. I chose my words carefully in response to your long winded explanation of 1 unit equaling 1 winner that was cleary a total gloss job for your blog.

To clarify, I'm only speaking to what I perceive as a blatant attempt to siphon visitors by providing an answer to a question that requires someone to leave here and search your site for the info.

There should be very few questions I ever ask anyone here that would direct me somewhere else to get the answer. It was a very direct question and a very easy question to provide a short, concise answer to.

If I didn't want you to post here, you wouldn't be posting here. I just want you to be respectful and mindful of this site as a business just as you would want someone to respect your business.

Posted : December 12, 2008 6:00 pm
Posts: 165
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My bad on not responding directly in the first inquiry Cash, my fault.

The explanation for my unit rating is as follows:

I choose to invest playing 6% of my bankroll on every game I bet. Thats just me, I don't believe in GOY's or Mortal Locks of the decade as they will lose you money long term. This unit system goes for moneyline, totals, and sides. I play all equally unless I decide to put more on any single play, which is highly unusual.

Hypothetical example, if I am betting $500 across the board for let's say the following plays:

Jets +4.5 W
Colts -6 W

Bobcats Moneyline +550 W
Lakers -15 L
Suns +5 L

At the end of this day I would be up 5.5 units ($2,750). I bet like this every day and so keeping up with the units earned versus units lost is quite easy. For everyone the unit means something different. Some play $100 per game and some bet $1000 per game.

I don't touch my bankroll that often, so as you see my unit system is funneling money into my bankroll at a gradual, but perpetual weight. Over time I am naturally increasing my per game allocation and total bankroll.

As far as Juice is concerned, I could care less about $10 on $100 or even $50 on $500. At the end of the week if I am up a few thousand, the $100 or so lost on the juice is no concern to me. It would take the juice from 9 losses to equal 1 unit anyhow so the big deal about juice is not a big deal to me. Juice is just something that I don't tally, thats my personal preference.

istyle1129 - Welcome to the symposium.

Posted : December 12, 2008 6:27 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

You are making your own assumptions about the meaning of my statements. I chose my words carefully in response to your long winded explanation of 1 unit equaling 1 winner that was cleary a total gloss job for your blog.

To clarify, I'm only speaking to what I perceive as a blatant attempt to siphon visitors by providing an answer to a question that requires someone to leave here and search your site for the info.

There should be very few questions I ever ask anyone here that would direct me somewhere else to get the answer. It was a very direct question and a very easy question to provide a short, concise answer to.

If I didn't want you to post here, you wouldn't be posting here. I just want you to be respectful and mindful of this site as a business just as you would want someone to respect your business.

I don't know why you guys are coming down on Samson so hard here. I have been following his plays here now for 3 weeks and I actually win. He is one of the better if not the best handicapper at this forum and it seems yo me that you running off a good tjhing here. I haven't even posted here in a while is I usually just come straight to this forum every day,. get the picks and then bet them. Both Samson and Pod are very sharp here.

It also sounds like you are being more of a tyrant than anything to be bluntly honest. I am perceiving your comments about Samson as a tyrant. I am not really scared to stand up to you as I don't usually post here anyway, so you can delete me if you want for posting my mind. I can still come in as a visitor and get Samson's picks all i want..haha

Posted : December 12, 2008 7:18 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

Oh, and Samson, POD, and Chubacabra, thank you for posting your picks every day! ;D

Posted : December 12, 2008 7:22 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I don't know why you guys are coming down on Samson so hard here. I have been following his plays here now for 3 weeks and I actually win. He is one of the better if not the best handicapper at this forum and it seems yo me that you running off a good tjhing here. I haven't even posted here in a while is I usually just come straight to this forum every day,. get the picks and then bet them. Both Samson and Pod are very sharp here.

It also sounds like you are being more of a tyrant than anything to be bluntly honest. I am perceiving your comments about Samson as a tyrant. I am not really scared to stand up to you as I don't usually post here anyway, so you can delete me if you want for posting my mind. I can still come in as a visitor and get Samson's picks all i want..haha

You're entitled to your opinion but I respectfully disagree. is bigger than any one person, even myself. I expressed my concerns about what happened here today and I am gonna leave it at that.

Nobody should be confused as to what my position is and I can assure you I am far from a tyrant. Judge and jury maybe, but hardly a tyrant.

Posted : December 12, 2008 10:33 pm
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

From what i have seen samson prime seems to be a stand up guy. Good luck on your plays that you post. Thanks for posting.
Tough night on you forum plays!

Posted : December 13, 2008 12:02 am