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About 10-15 min we will be starting, had more tests done on arteries now 3 surgeries instead of 1 fuck them

Posted : November 28, 2018 6:37 pm
Posts: 7610
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Why you constantly trying to die on us dude? Do you need me to come over there and manage your life? I feel like you might be a tad hard headed. Let me come over and make u some low carb meals and take all your smokes and booze. These guys need you, you are their mascot.

Posted : November 28, 2018 7:00 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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Idol side can. Smc. Neom. Spc. Pur. Wyo. Montana. Overs n.col. Neb.o mar. Pro sides minn dall. . Brook. Game overs pho. Clev. Atl. Wash. Brook. 1st half overs pho. Pels

Posted : November 28, 2018 7:47 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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Siena also am rushing to get caught up will double ck all and looking at some others

Posted : November 28, 2018 8:07 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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I did miss a couple I always fuckin do we played uic. also i didn't send them cking some additional now hey mike I did cut back the smoking is killing me he said cholesterol is under control, but I went back to cigs and I didn't send clev st. After I left that fuckin vascular surgeon and went from 1 to 3 surgeries he fucked my head up

Posted : November 28, 2018 9:29 pm
Posts: 3905
Famed Member

I did miss a couple I always fuckin do we played uic. also i didn't send them cking some additional now hey mike I did cut back the smoking is killing me he said cholesterol is under control, but I went back to cigs and I didn't send clev st. After I left that fuckin vascular surgeon and went from 1 to 3 surgeries he fucked my head up

Ecigs -it’s water vapor
3 seperate surgeries
or 3 bypass one surgery?
Pop had 3 or 4 after having 2 heart attacks
can’t remmber now was out the hospital in a day or so they got that shit down to like filling a cavity
and felt twice as good for rest of his life

Posted : November 28, 2018 9:40 pm
Posts: 36443
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3 dime play prst. Surf it's 2 valves, right leg, left leg artery that goes to that, and told me I need to have primary set me up with stress test with dye

Posted : November 28, 2018 10:54 pm
Posts: 964
Noble Member

Is PRST Long Beach state ?

Keep the faith Timmy hope you feel better !

Posted : November 28, 2018 11:15 pm
Posts: 36443
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Posted : November 28, 2018 11:38 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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It's the cigs I quit for a month went back, 2 weeks went back, 3 months went back, quit for 1 time from age 30-37 and went back fuckin stupid, that's all plain and simple, fuckin smokes, fithly dirty fuckin habit, if I can stop them for good, that's the battle nothing else, you eat you have a smoke, you drink a beer, you have a smoke, coffee you have a smoke

Posted : November 28, 2018 11:57 pm
Posts: 36443
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Pur. St Mary, and mich holding so far

Posted : November 29, 2018 12:04 am
Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Timmy this subject i think I can maybe help with. I’ve smoked for over 20 years since I was like 13. Have quit a few times that never stuck. I’ve made it almost a year now with the vape pen and chantix. Now I know the vape pen sounds douchey but hear me out. The one I got isn’t the big box that you blow out a giant cloud the size of a storm rollin in, it’s a normal toke and the one I use is coffee flavored and Its delicious. As for the chantix, it’s a scrip from the docthat you take a couple months and takes away the cravings. Some people don’t like it because it gives you wild ass dreams that are extremely vivid, but I think of it as watching an HD movie every night when I go to bed. Go into it with that mindset and it’s fuckinf awesome. Anyway if you’re interested I can give you details with what I’ve tried and what worked. Best of luck brother

Posted : November 29, 2018 12:16 am
Posts: 252
Reputable Member

And by the way, I called it vape pen but it’s still exactly what surf said: ecigs. I also get a flavor that tastes just like my old marbs. Done wonders for me, would’ve never quit without them

Posted : November 29, 2018 12:29 am
Posts: 252
Reputable Member

One last thing as I sit here having a drink after a long 12 hour day. I caught the end of that Purdue game and the jimmy v speech came on right after. What a powerful fuckin message man. Dude was sitting there basically terminal and begging for his kids’ generation. “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”

Posted : November 29, 2018 12:59 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Heard good things about Chantix, Tim. Those sticks will put you in the grave quicker than damn near anything besides dope. Gotta remember your living on borrowed time dude. Think of your fam and friends. Do it for them.

Posted : November 29, 2018 11:33 am