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Western Conference Championship Odds Breakdown

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Western Conference Championship Odds Breakdown
By: Craig Trapp

NBA Western Conference Championship Odds Breakdown: Finally the NBA Playoffs are upon us. Not a minute too soon Craig Trapp has heated up with his NBA Plays going 10-2 last 10 days!! Today Craig will break down the future odds for the Western Conference Championship. Some great value to be had if you can get past the huge favorite: Los Angeles Lakers. Below are the odds of all the Western Conference Playoff Teams.

LA Lakers (-400): All the weapons that any coach would want to win a championship. The Western Conference Championship will go thru LA. Lets throw them out for any future since there is no betting value.

Denver Nuggets (+800): Yes you read it correct the Nuggets are 8-1 to win the Western Conference Championship. Do not sleep on a very deep Denver team that can score at will against any team including the Lakers. Oh by the way they are one of the few teams to win at LA this season. The best option to beat the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals. Chauncey Billups has won a championship and will carry this team a very long way!

Utah Jazz (+800): Not sure what odds makers are thinking this team looks like they will be the #8 seed and will face Kobe and Lakers first round. This team can't win on the road and no way they beat the Lakers.

Houston Rockets (+800): Another perplexing future odds. If this team could play every game at home they might have a chance but they can't go to LA or Denver and win consistently. Would have been interesting bet with Tracy McGrady but his injury makes this team an after thought.

Portland Trailblazers (+1000): Very hot late in the season and also has been winning games on the road lately. The 2nd best player in the West is Brandon Roy. Will give the Lakers a very tough series in the 2nd round of the Western Conference Playoffs. Too bad this team could not have played themselves into the #3 seed to stay away from LA to the finals. Kobe and company too experienced but Blazers are interesting at 10-1.

San Antonio Spurs (+1000):
Past Champions will go down swinging but without Ginobli due to injury this team will lose in 1st or 2nd round.

New Orleans Saints (+1300): Chris Paul is playing at an elite level but rest of his team has not picked up their game. Would need a triple double every game from Paul for any chance. Don't be surprised if they get swept in first round of Western Conference Playoffs. These future odds should be more like 20-1!!

Dallas Mavericks (+2500): The odds say it all this team just can't stop any team consistently on defense.

The Western Conference Champions will most likely be won by one of three teams: LA Lakers, Denver Nuggets, or Portland Trailblazers. No way you can bet the favored Lakers so either take a swing with one of the two others long shots!

Posted : April 16, 2009 11:44 am