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1st pro plays

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Posts: 37273
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unnreal fumbled snap by kapernick, untouched, and the hits just keep on coming, i thought, it was turning around, finally, i guess not till next week 1 bad move after another, it will be 2-10 spots tonight, they have, come through at least, and another fumble, keystone cops football boy was he right

Posted : November 6, 2016 8:13 pm
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New Member Guest

years ago when i was booking i realy thought these pros were in the bag so to say . they are very eratic for pros . talent base is so infrearior today problem is they give some of these guys lottery sise contracts before they are even proven so there in lies the problem all contracts should be performance driven .then mabey we would see better games only 2 teams peform like they should sad to say the very best and the very worst .

Posted : November 6, 2016 8:27 pm
Posts: 37273
Illustrious Member
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ditto shark when i was booking, it was a completely different story, i have not seen so many plays and or calls that, changed an otherwise win, 2 a loss i was talking 2 a couple guys at the club we go to , who said the exact same thing,, these have been some of the ugliest games in coll and pro, that i have seen in a long time, when it does turn back, and it will as it always does, and money that does come in late on a game and does move a line is worth watching and acting on, but trying to exsplain that to a certain individual, who has know idea, what he is talking about, isn't worth my time or yours my friend

Posted : November 6, 2016 9:49 pm
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