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Applause to D Trump

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Posts: 36443
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You have to hand it to the man, he's not waisting any time moving forward, thank god, not another career politician in the white house, but a business man, with guts and balls, to shake things up, and turn things around, the people have spoke, fuckin liberals have ruined this country, almost to the point of no return, but the hope is this man has the plans, to right the ship

Posted : December 7, 2016 3:37 pm
Posts: 7610
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I wouldn't get too excited just yet Timmy. He's got an uphill climb for 99% of the stuff he is yapping about right now. It's going to be tough to get the votes he needs even within his own party to get a lot of these initiatives to happen.

Don't forget, Trump is just one link in the chain. Everyone else in Washington is still in bed with everyone else so they are going to be reluctant to fuck up their own meal tickets just because of party loyalty.

I think when shit gets real serious here in a couple of months you are going to see a lot of republicans give Trump a big fuck you to a lot of his proposals.

Posted : December 7, 2016 3:53 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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so true mike, very possible, but i think he will find a way, even with all the road blocks, keep in mind this guy carved up 15 career politicians in the months leading up to his election, like they were nothing, a negative answer to him is not an option, your either on board, or get left behind, they will get on board, strictly out of fear

Posted : December 7, 2016 7:28 pm
Posts: 77
Trusted Member

Another misguided trump followed.... Sad.
He's a billionaire appointing billionaires to fix a system that made them all
Don't hold your breath bro...

Posted : December 7, 2016 11:43 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

When Obama Care is repealed my son will lose his health insurance due to him being born with a disability, even if he could find insurance they won't cover the medication he needs to just be able to walk with out pain and lead a semi normal life. I and many millions of others who will lose their insurance will never applaud him or his appointees.

Posted : December 8, 2016 12:08 am
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Hopefully, everything is negotiable!

Posted : December 8, 2016 9:17 am
Posts: 7610
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When Obama Care is repealed my son will lose his health insurance due to him being born with a disability, even if he could find insurance they won't cover the medication he needs to just be able to walk with out pain and lead a semi normal life. I and many millions of others who will lose their insurance will never applaud him or his appointees.

Because of the nature of what my old lady and I do - basically being self employed, we rely on Obamacare as well. I am hopeful that once he gets into office and starts to really absorb some information he will see that the ACA needs to be enhanced, not repealed. There is a lot of good about the ACA, starting over is foolish and reckless IMO. Healthcare for a family of 4 we pay about $600 a month for now could increase to over $2000 if Obamacare was repealed.

A lot of shit he is talking about I could give 2 fucks about but some of it is really encouraging if he can pull it off. Pumping money into infrastructure is one. I live in Michigan and this whole state is literally falling apart. New roads, bridges, public transport will be good for a lot of places and will generate a lot of jobs. I'm also happy to have a gambling advocate have some real power. This is probably the only chance in my lifetime we will have to try to get true interstate gambling legalized and regulated. Being able to put money in and get money out legally would be good for all of you and being able to access US corporate advertising money would be good for me.

It's gonna be a long time I think before I decide if this was a good or bad pick but I do feel that he is going to be able to get more done than Hillary would of even if he is getting shit done I don't agree with. The way I see it and I've said it before, I think he was the best of two bad choices but at this point I'm willing to give him a chance and see what happens.

Posted : December 8, 2016 9:55 am
Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Can't disagree with any of that. Hillary had all of her handshakes done a year ago figuring she was a shoe in for the office. At least now people will have to get off their ass to get shit done. Shake the trees an see what falls out.

Posted : December 8, 2016 12:10 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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it is you who r mis/guided my friend, granted there r people on gov. assist who truly, do need these programs, but I will bet, there r more who just suck the life out of it, Remember a group called the middle class, they r just about gone, there r pretty much the rich and the poor, the middle class, and the unions built this, country, brought the standard of living, and working wage up for every other American, who couldn't or wouldn't join, I am self employed, also Mike as you know, I have to bid work on a 30% plus, lesser amount of what I was bidding in the early 80's, I still have my wife and 3 kids I cover down from 5, I can no longer back these subsidized programs, that now, have become common place for to many, who do not even put forth an effort to find employment, Blade you and some others r the exception, due to the fact that you need it for all the right reasons, but there r to many now, that Obama has just enabled, to take advantage of a system that was put into place, as a temp. solution

Posted : December 8, 2016 12:43 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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Exactly strakey, no more freebees, handouts, this country has gotten lazy, and the libs, just about ruined it, to a point of no return, to many programs being taken advantage of, and with the influx of all the damn illegals who come in , get on Medicaid have 5-6 kids by 5-6 diff fathers, and receive an amount for each, have fuckin had it, there r to many born here busting there ass to make it, am sick of paying for the rest, who just suck the life out of it, with the exception of the people who need it

Posted : December 8, 2016 12:54 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member
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as we do every 4 years mike we vote for the lesser of 2 evils, a friend of mine asked me the other day, which is the bigger cesspool, Hollywood or Washington, I said to him take you pic, but wash. has a slight lead at the moment

Posted : December 8, 2016 12:59 pm
Posts: 7610
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Unfortunately, Tim a lot of the stuff you are talking about are state problems. The only thing the President can really do is cut funding but, you can't do that without fixing the bureaucracy at the state level. And to do the type of reforming, you need the congress - and do you think for a second they are going to pass legislation that will harm the people they need to continue to get elected.

That's what a lot of people don't really understand, some of this shit just isn't fixable at this point. It sounds crazy to say that but anything you do or try to do is going to have an unexpected cause and effect. Just taking money away can have a cascading impact on things you don't even consider when you realize something is broken.

It's like getting rid of the Mexicans, how in the fuck really could you even do that? I mean seriously. People are like fuck yea, get them out of here and all that but, those people are so fucking ignorant it's unbelievable.

But for the sake of argument lets say that somehow you manage to track down, capture, detain and remove like 6 million people give or take. What then? What about the jobs they are going to vacate that they pretty much have because no white people want to do them in the first place. Then, what about the impact to the economy removing 6 million consumers would have across the country. What happens to the money they spend on groceries, on rent, on gas, utilities, etc.

That is just one example of the stuff I am talking about. Saying shit sounds great but, when you really use your brain you realize that solving one problem really just creates like 10 new ones - some of which might be even worse than the original problem you solved.

But nobody wants to think about shit like that, they just want to do something, anything, just to say they did it. Fuck what happens after the fact. The best thing we can hope for moving forward from anyone is for them to not allow new messes to be created because going back and fixing old messes is like try to push shit uphill.

Posted : December 8, 2016 3:10 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

have to agree mike i think whats needed is some sort of reform from the local level all the way to the u.s. goverment and unfortunitly the goverment isnt set up for that. in a way its good but in another way its clusterfuck . but its better living here than in another country where they tell you what time to shit an when to breath . i cant belive im commenting on a political issue i realy hate politics . 🙁

Posted : December 8, 2016 3:23 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

i cant belive im commenting on a political issue i realy hate politics . 🙁

Same here, it makes my blood boil at times.

Posted : December 8, 2016 3:25 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

i cant belive im commenting on a political issue i realy hate politics . 🙁

Same here, it makes my blood boil at times.

Same. I'm from the school of my voice doesn't really matter and nothing I can do can change that. I know the hippies and the tree huggers will disown me but unless it's getting new jerseys for my kids hockey team there is really nothing an individual or even a group for that matter can do to cause change. Anyone who says different is just fooling themselves. That is why I don't really expect much, that way I don't get disappointed.

Government is the golden rule, those with the gold make the rules. And I ain't got no gold yo.

Posted : December 8, 2016 4:35 pm
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