Coll overs Tex/bay 1st half, game overs - Sam/Merc, UNC green/e Tenn st, tcu/wv, nd/nc Siena/Iona,, sides - bay, Siena, fair, pro sides - NY, no, orl, sa, overs - NY/philly 1st half, game overs - Det/no, Utah/sa, orl/chi, pho/gs
Here we go again, 2 more overs both 2 buckets short, again it's a joke anymore you almost have to bet the play the 1st 3 sec. It hits the board, or buy it down so fuckin much , that it's not worth playing cause the fucking vig is so fuckin high, which is what we will begin to do Tom. Brothers with just the over plays, early in on some or most
Fuckin nd game, and fuckin e Tenn, Here we go again, 2 more overs both 2 buckets short, again it's a joke anymore you almost have to bet the play the 1st 3 sec. It hits the board, or buy it down so fuckin much , that it's not worth playing cause the fucking vig is so fuckin high, which is what we will begin to do Tom. Brothers with just the over plays, early in on some or most