I. Don't think I sent marist deither what the fuck I guess not there's 300 fuckin college games today
Just checking in to give u some karma it’s -30 I added 1 to
Make it -29 we need to get you to +territory
I hear ya brother but get up at 5:00 every morn regardless if you to bed at midnight or 9 and between 7-9 when all my crazies start calling in that's when I go on overload surf, and blow a gasket or 2 and then miss ghings we needed that 1 slot of all max hits to make up for the mid slot of 3 straight mid losses, we always find a way when you stck together
We have a few left my brothers I think we will nail what the hell
We have a few left my brothers I think we will nail what the hell surf I got a crazy stat for ya brother a team that has been on the road for the 3 rd straight week leading into the championship game. Is 3-11 ats in the last 35 years hence the bucs fit the bill
Twolves are rolling. We need Mike cashes hometown boys to come in for us against my hometown boys
Hey cash how's about sending some det magic our way
I got packers and chiefs advancing...
Don’t see bucs winning they shoulda lost to saints
Bills are good but need another year and won’t stop mahomes the whole game
Surf we should have have hit saints and chiefs bother remember prior week we go 4-0 next week 0_4
No matter we had hoops carry us every night and tonight since wake 3 set hit we are fuckin getting them again good night brothers