18 - 12, Spurs led from jump st.and just got blown out in 4th Q, coll overs - gm/day, neb o/den, sf/ucf, Ford/st Joe, all game overs, vt/Duke - 1st half and game, ft Wayne/w. I'll., Same, pro overs - mem/ok city - 1st half, lakes/no. - 1st half and game, that's it for now brothers, will CK in later
Am giving u guys an early mlb prop bet, I just layed out 5 on it, Phillies total wins opened at 75.5, look for between 80 - 86 wins, it has already gone up
U like Memphis/smu total over?
Remaining plays and there's a lot coll game overs - Iowa, y. St, Det, vandi, Clem, ok st, tul, DePaul, cuse, unlv, sd st, s. Dak, miizz st, Drake, pro overs - wash, ok, port, jazz, chi, brook, orl, philly, atl, all sides much later
Big day for win totals. Just came out this morning most places and the numbers on a handful or teams are already bouncing around a lot
Your right Mike and they did jump fast
Coll sides - Det, y st, neb o, pro sides - clipps, Knicks, mem, port, chi, brook
Even after 3 straight nights in the plus column going into tonight, I know for a fact I have to lead the nation, in losses of 2 pts. Or less fuckin Indy brook game 1 pt loss for the over, and 1 pt loss for game, Knicks .5 loss, Det coll Det .5 loss would rather be blown out
Hey surfer nice call on coll mem over, I think that's the only 1 I didn't play lol., 27 - 15 so far with 8 plays still undecided, port +6, over 228.5 same game, over pho/jazz 211, wyo + 7.5, over 150.5 same game, af + 13, over 156.5 same game, and cal riv + 1