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i asked nicky what was the worst i ever did on a full out bet in a football game he keeps my stats on a full out play across 1st q, 1st h, 2nd half and game, he told me an hour ago, cause he had a shit load to look through over the past few years the best was the chiefs a year ago i went 5-0, the worst was broncos 3 years ago 3-3 includes sides and overs last night fuckin 1-5 in wash game, i stunk the fuckin joint up, back 15 min, before coll game goes and 15 before mlb goes we had indians early but blew game, dod early lost lost front end, but hit game, yanks 1st half and blew and also blew yanks game, but hit game over by far my worst night ever, i am with out a fuckin doubt, out for fuckin blood starting tonight

Posted : October 9, 2018 5:50 pm
Posts: 450
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I don't always understand some of your lingo; but that's because I can't bet like you. But I do like when I see you pick a game or total to go've help me win more than I loose. I just wish you'd tell me more college picks...I stink at those picks. I'm not too bad at pro's. Just wanted to say thank you

Posted : October 9, 2018 6:00 pm
Posts: 36445
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ark st 1st q arkst 2nd q app st 1st half, over 1st half and 2 q ,app st -9 for game over 57 for game over 1st q

Posted : October 9, 2018 7:55 pm
Posts: 36445
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yanks rl front end yanks ml back end over fand b porc has a 5.79 at the bombers and cc 4 .79 against sox only team to hit 300 against cc was bosox,just pressed game over in ark st and pressing sox game over

Posted : October 9, 2018 7:59 pm
Posts: 36445
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hey freezer as far as the lingo i don't understand half the time lol but here goes in baseball front end 1st 5 innings play, back end is the game play, back 4 is like the snd half in a footbal game, rl is run line play, ml is money line play, football 1st q is 1st quarter, 1st h is 1st half, 2nd h is 2 half and so on, a dime play is a grand, 2 dimes 2 grand, help me out here bop. trashman, and shawn am i missing anything, i know you guys get it, freezer if there is anything else let me know, also alotta times i bet a team on the money line, and hedge the same team plus the spread just a backup bet in case the ml doesn't hit, i am still getting points with the same team, what ever else your not sure of when i type stuff out just ask brother tell am doing 2nd half in ark st game too also the hedge bet most of the time is when i am at least getting 6 points or more

Posted : October 9, 2018 8:14 pm
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we got ark st 1st q blew 1st q over, we got over 16. 5 2nd q in , we need ark st plus 5.5 to hold on or score again to give us 1st h over and side

Posted : October 9, 2018 9:33 pm
Posts: 36445
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4-2 front half app st ok st ark st all these fuckin states,we hit ark st 1st q, lose 1st q over, hit 2nd q over, lose ark st 2nd q hit appst -5.5, and over 28.5 am making 5 dime play over 27.5 arkst plus 3 for 2 dimes the game plays been in you know what they were

Posted : October 9, 2018 9:50 pm
Posts: 36445
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we push front 5 over, blow yanks these guys here knew I was out for blood this week, I don't just want there money this week, and the money from the was game last night I want there blood too in football this week starting with tonight's game

Posted : October 9, 2018 10:00 pm
Posts: 880
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Sabathia stunk it up as usual they got chris sale closin this up..

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:02 pm
Posts: 880
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and yea if u ever need help with the lingo needing to understand some things i can help freeze

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:03 pm
Posts: 252
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Yep and app state closing it up. That qb/play calling combo for ark state is something special lol. They must have played some awful teams to have any wins this year

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:07 pm
Posts: 880
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Yankees need to move on with CC, i hate to say it but hes washed

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:10 pm
Posts: 36445
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yeah shawn he is way past his time no doubt

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:22 pm
Posts: 36445
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what I am saying shawn when I am throwing shit out there you guys know exactly what I am talking about, and it would be fucked up if freezer didn't so please anytime jump in, if you think I am not getting across to him, wouldn't be fare to him, you guys know the jargin I am throwing out there, and always ask freezer if you got a question brother, we cover each others back, that's the way it is tom. we go again brothers

Posted : October 9, 2018 11:34 pm
Posts: 450
Reputable Member

Thanks so much for explaining. I'll just stick to football it's much easier for me to understand. We do things way slower in S.C.. and can't always find bookie to take certain bets. Saying that I'm trying to figure out a football card to play. If you can tell me 4 of your best picks to win I would really be one happy old lady. Thanks for entertaining me. You guys are great.

Posted : October 10, 2018 7:27 am
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