when shit goes south it all goes at once, health, games, bid jobs, thank god for port last night 2 early coll plays and 1 pro, remaining plays out around 6;30, coll side - wisc mil, radford, pro side - atl
1st 2 coll plays r ml plays if ur juice is right, up to you, plus the 1 or ml
pro sides - dall, brook, laks, coll sides - dart, cor, bg, murr st, brad, overs buff/bg, n ill/ball st
our group is doing a max out play on the lakers 2 night, i am making the exact same play 2 night, as i did on port, last night, a dime on the laks 2 night plus the number
Hope you're doing alright Tim. Haven't heard from you in 2 days isn't like you.