Mundane week all won a little each day except thurs but got them good last night we tread easy today brothers unless something really stands out, and hawg surf is right on a last minute flip, prime eg, last night we took Tulane to down to 3 pregame and mem live to 13.5 I waited for an opening
I was logged off had to out how to get back in overs ark, jmu vvandi games sides iowa st, mich st, pur
Surf you gotta help me I have stayed logged in for all these days tried to send the plays at 12:55, it said logged out, went to login page kept hitting sign in, it has my old password in the auto fill, I punched in the new 1 and just got back on will the auto fill keep the new password
What the fuck is going on now I have 2 headings am I logged in and can you guys see what I am sending
@timmy1961 yea I see it I had to log in a few times today also auto fill should keep it I had to do a kaptcha also a security feature clicking pictures anyway
you now have 2 threads titles the same thing for Saturday so shamrock or somone needs to delete one if say