Mundane week all won a little each day except thurs but got them good last night we tread easy today brothers unless something really stands out, and hawg surf is right on a last minute flip, prime eg, last night we took Tulane to down to 3 pregame and mem live to 13.5 I waited for an opening
Timmy and Surf - thanks for the info. I have picked up some good stuff over the years from you both. I appreciate the advice.
@hawg-hunter also helps if you have some core teams you follow you can sometimes see a situation arise the books don’t see it’s rare but it happens if you know certain teams, players etc
no early plays?
Guys I don't know what to tell ya just check both fuckin threads that's even if this shit is getting through
Can someone let me know cause for some reason was logged off but I did not log off
Cal game by I sent early plays
This is what I sent early on my motherovers jmu vandi, ark games side pur Iowa st mich st on my mother and Everything was fucked up logged out 2 FUCKIN headings
Sides I'll, umass, wmu, wash, overs I'll, wake. Fau, Akron games
Somebody tell me is this getting through I sent the early shit
Wash s a max buy now
Is this fuckin shit getting through or not
Over in niu whiskey game buy both are buys