They couldn't pay me enough money to attend this fuckin game after what happened to those poor people, bodies ain't even cold this fuckin game should have been cancelled, at worst moved, tells all you need to know about human nature and greed especially in this country, these fucks couldn't guarantee your safety anymore then I can guarantee another 11-3 day
Money money money= greed greed greed welcome to America things have to go on I get it, but some compassion comes 1 st
Woeful lack of preparedness those concrete pillars that will stop vehicles weren’t there being repaired in place they park a police car sideways but it doesn’t block the whole street
Yep surf complacency that's usa way
And when I see a police superintendent that looks like Edith Bunker I sure as hell ain't putting any faith in what they say
Both the Louisiana and the Vegas car explosion both were former veterans kinda strange
They both rented vehicles from the same app, same company, both explosions same day more then a coincidence
Unlimited game buy ND to 3.5 , reg 1 St q play nd
“never fight uphill Me boys!”
ND will need to pass
ga will need to run imo
lets go Irish!
ND again plus 2
And lives to follow
ND minus 1
These fuckin refs better start calling it both ways
ND is passing! for a score!
BTW - the terror attack is finally hitting a SE section.
Keep your head on a swivel...
Sorry an SE section...I'm a chemist, not an English major...