In what's called cousins golf tournament today and tomorrow. There were 8 kids in my mom's family, there 46 1st cousins, So this weekend every year the younger brothers challenge the older brothers, you gotta love wash st, all in all happy with last night, wash st, a four way hit, over in Utah st never in ?, 2nd halves helped out, and ill. Had 3 shots in the 2nd half, neb. Lost the ball and they couldn't come up with it, + 3 the lose 7-3, and get blown out for the game, that I can take but not that 2nd half they r hard to take, here we go, there r some good value over plays today, that fall into the ute st/byu. Over play,, which I said get what u can on it, % of plays r on under, yet these lines have moved 3 pts. Or better the wrong way, just like byu game, game overs - sf./ec,. Bg/Akron,. Penn St/Indy,. Smu/UConn, lsu/Troy,. Oakst/tt, sides - ec,. UMass,. UConn,. Sc,. Miaohio,. Tex t, my cousin will have his computer if I have anymore
Lost byu, a couple ways, if anything else looks good I will pass along, good luck to all you guys today
Uping Tex t. And, s. Car. To max
Uping Tex t. And, s. Car. To max
Add fla int/Charlotte. To ur overs
Hey guys when I told you last night to get what ever you could on the mormans over, I am telling you again today get what ever you can on the remaining over plays, these fuckin are carbon copies of last night, I don't do this shit for fun
Hey guys when I told you last night to get what ever you could on the mormans over, I am telling you again today get what ever you can on the remaining over plays, these fuckin games are carbon copies of last night, I don't do this shit for fun
Add miss. St. As a side and midtenn/flaatl to ur overs both plays whatever ur limit is
My older brother kicked my ass today he's 67 and almost shot his age he shot a 69, he got 10 yrs. On me and still crushes the ball unreal, the overs r the fire play today guys, we will have some sides come in, but I can't emphasize enough fire on these overs
I got news for ya guys fuckin red neck refs took control of sf game, besides hitting over we should have had ec also, am firing on Mia o. Plus the 20 line down 3 % on nd, get the fuck outta here, they are not getting up for this team
Get off miss st. Now now
I just got Nicky to add to my over play on Tex. T. And Tex. T. + 11.5, late you guys know me, I always do something at the end
I said t o you guys earlier we had the cousins tournament, well, fucked up since about 3 should have let Nicky take care of my plays, missed lsu over, fla int over, mid Tenn over,
Fuckin drunk, and tired, not playing Tom. Told my brother, and cousins to much money to make, go9d nite