Jets unlimited for game now plus 10
Live over 36
You are like a fish to the jets and they are the worm and Vegas has fishing line attached to that worm and screams
Here we go boys another score called back we got a fuckin bullseye on our fuckin back the size of fuckin California, every fuckin long gain and or d that we fuckin score or get, always for the last fuckin mother fuckin week has had a fuckin glitch attached to it are you fuckin kiddin me again fuckin again another TD called back are you fuckin kiddin me
That should be 3 mother fuckin TD's for us in the 2 ND half fuckin 3 fucked in the ass again for 2 nd half bets, there ain't 1 fuckin person in this country, in this fuckin country that can tell me these fuckin games aren't rigged not fuckin 1, 2 scores called back, replay shows nothing no fuckin infraction
Unlimited buy to a pick on zona for game reg 1 st half over play
had the over at 47.5 , lost by a fuckin half point.
Lost the Miami game too, lets go zona and over.
@timmy1961 I like over alt 57.5 have the game total at 63 personally
Can’t see a def struggle here 34-31 type game at least
Was just getting ready to print 1 st q over and alternative you read my mind trashman
My Numbers are right trashman you see em you know, cause yo witnessed the outcomes and saw them. We got fucked royally in 2 ND half brother period you saw it
Surf you read my mind
You read my mind I sent that and 1 st q in zona besides zona, we got fucked I will say it again for 2 nd half in k st, the idiots that are winning better enjoy the last 3 days, cause starting tomorrow we reap the rewards. Check that starting with zona game we made out ok with k st game and besides the over 36 that we have in jets hit we will do additional lives in that game to and zona
If I find the 2 refs from kst game just for the 2 ND half alone I will shoot both those fucks
Jets 2 ND half over 2nd half