Most of overs didn't even come close to there numbers weird nght
Early stuff plus a few additional will be out before my brother picks me up to go to doctor and then when I come to from being under we will see where we are at
ga. So side
Over murr st, over, over tex st, s.miss side
Ok boys back they found an old license plate from my 2 ND, a baseball signed by ty Cobb. And report card from 3rd grade
Rut side, over uab, temp, side, over man, can side, over Siena, marist side, over Evans, Evans side, clev st side, hc side, buck side, navy side
Utah t side, s.utah side. Ov tenn st, over copp, NCC side
Lives over scst, abchrist side, cal bap side, aus p side, mdes side. Over n ken lives
Over marsh, bama st side
Sam h side, over wash, over GB, over zona
Over cal poly, cal poly side, lb st side. Over siue, siue side