Hit unlimited alternative over lost buy down by 1 and mizz blew, I gotta pick it up today
Let’s have a good day everyone!
Unlimited buy down over in jets max buy on skins
Fuckin ama jets 3 fuckin fg's
UNLIMITED over buy down in det
Will lose fuckin jets over buy down by a lousy fuckin half a point
Max buys buff over same and sf the side
Hit WAsH lose fuckin mother fuckin jets over by .5 det over is in
Boys I can't call em any closer we sf over in tb game blow buff grab det over we fire in 10 min
UNLIMITED buy on bears
Da Bears!
Friggin bears suck have always sucked and still suck
We hit alternative line 17.5 push it up line and I hear to tell you we got fucked hard twice instead of a push which you guys got it should have Beena win, onside kick rule fuckinbullshit that's a live ball I don't give a fuck what the fuckin rule reads, touched by oppossing team, that fuckin ball is live, bears don't suck surf, 2 plays that got called the fuck back period, we cash alternative and push buy up
Not sure how the skins covered that game, but I can tell you I sure was glad! Especially being down 24-0!