National bums association NBA, we annialated MLB last night 5 plays above 500, but because of the street balling punk spooks known as the Lakers all the profits went right back, how the wide world of gambling, are the fuckin idiots in Vegas, keep allowing the public to win in the NBA, national bums association, without adjusting The lines, it's amazing, we don't make a dime last night, and didn't lose either, 5 motherfuckin games above 500 and don't make a dime thanks to the punk spooks in the nba
At least with the early NBA we split and hit a few plays until the punks, that call themselves the Lakers number1, James, Davis, big bad defense, punks nothing but I said it before, and will say it again this whole sport and league should go to fuckin China and stay there
I find it amazing that the idiots the lines makers have consistently put out lines in the NBA favoring the public, and have aloud them to win over and over, through the this half ass season and now the playoffs, I said for years they don't compare or come close to the guys we have on the east coast, with that being said the early plays are coming out now Brook and jazz 1 St q plays plus game buy ups, both games are game overs MLB- BALT/TOR 1 St 5 and game overs, Phil's 1st 5 ml, over 1st 5 and game, cards ml game play, cause with this fucked up 7 inn with twin bills that's all you get. Will be back by 6
I guess those idiots in Vegas heard me about the hoop games
Sixers 1st q and half, over 1 St half, sixers ml max unlimited plus the buy up over for game plus the buy down same applies 1st half buy up or down whatever it calls for
Pressed sixers1 St half ml and plus the number
Game over pirates nats, Marlin ml. RL front and game
Rays rl game
We get 1 St q over and sixers
Blow sixers for the half get the over
Sixers 2 ND half no hometown call the right side
Tigers front 5 ml rl
Brad Stevens has out coached the idiot that we have Brett brown every fuckin time, gotta hope for the over, we will get these plays back in clipps game trust me not worried about mlb
Unlimited front 5 rockies
Dallas spotted the clipps a 16 point lead pretty much right out of the gate, then Dallas came roaring back and stayed within for awhile, till clipps finally snapped out of it I can tell ya your looking at the NBA champs, you can fire on clipps spread at the number plus the buy so you can get a better edge then ml, they will win this game going away, public is banking on what they saw game 1 ain't gonna happen boys trust me