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Happy New Year

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Posts: 7610
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I saw a couple of you guys made New Years posts but instead of responding to each one individually I figured I would just make one of my own.

Blade and I appreciate the kind words about the site. Generally speaking what we do is pretty thankless. People are far more likely to bitch and complain about shit than they are to offer praise. So, anytime anyone has anything nice to say not only do we all read it but we appreciate it as well.

I'm really happy that a lot of you have decided to make the transition from lurkers to posters. As I have said in the past, everyone benefits from the flow of information, even information that may not be very good. I think now some of you guys can see that as well with the amount of plays being posted and opinions being shared and debated.

Anyway, we just wanted to say thanks and we wish all of you a Happy New Year as well.

Posted : January 1, 2017 10:41 am