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just got in hey mike shark what's pickwiz

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is that a guy who's a wizard at picking games, or a guy who picks games, while he's wizzing in the toilet, or a guy who picks games, while wizzing his money down the toilet, the under rang true shark, the money was on over as we spoke about last night, i didn't have a dime on it, and got sucked in to betting the home team last night, here is a team that beat pitt, minn. and atl. i should have known better, never go against rodgers, no matter how bad things look for them, bad call and play on my part, but the under was the right call, hey knucklehead, please post some plays, we r all eager to c wizzing in the toilet at work

Posted : November 29, 2016 4:13 pm
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New Member Guest

hey timmy get a load of the newest one . where oh where do they come from :blush: post just below this 1

Posted : November 29, 2016 4:16 pm
Posts: 36445
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i saw it shark, 1 of 3 things, another full moon, they r under heavey medication, or have watched to many re/runs of the outer limits, and the twighlight zone

Posted : November 29, 2016 4:26 pm
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just call me howard cosell, they all hated him too, but the nay sayers never missed a mon. night, we have a guy on local radio here wip sports talk, howard eskin, boy the fans can't stand him but, the same guys tune in to his radio show every day, and can't wait to blast, funny as hell, makes for good sports talk

Posted : November 29, 2016 4:35 pm
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hey wait a miniute i watch those . but then again i take a qualude first :blink:

Posted : November 29, 2016 4:37 pm
Posts: 36445
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r u kidding brother i wait for the marathons

Posted : November 29, 2016 7:21 pm
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:cheer: ive got em on CDs lol

Posted : November 29, 2016 7:32 pm
Posts: 36445
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the wife through most of my stuff out by accident, had all the old shows on dvd combat , fbi, felony squad, nypd, highway patrol, etc.loved those old shows, started doing a collection back in 79 whwn columbia house was around, she was doing her good deeds as usual, made a donation to the church, they came and did a pickup, needless to say lost 3/4 of the collection, she didn't know honest mistake

Posted : November 29, 2016 8:20 pm
Posts: 151
Reputable Member

To answer your question, a 'pickwiz' is one who is a wizard with picks. Post a 3-0 Tuesday night netting yourself $3900 and you too can be one. Then again, you have to lay it to win it, so I suppose you couldn't be given you're standing on the sidelines with your dicks in your hands.

My 9 and 10 year olds plays video games, Tiny Timmy. Get out of the forums and pay your wife due attention and she won't throw out your little boy toys.

Do me a favor, reply talking more shit so that you can show off your spelling and grammar illiteracy that your Phoenix University education got you.

Mike's right. This forum free speech stuff is alright.

Posted : November 30, 2016 12:41 am
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New Member Guest

wheres the plays ? i see your showing us all your high class with the language you use . why dont you grow up or are you grown up an this is the best you can show us . by the way where are the picks .

Posted : November 30, 2016 9:24 am
Posts: 151
Reputable Member

i made them my avatar last night. you probably missed my telling you that's where i posted them with all the shit you were talking

Posted : November 30, 2016 3:02 pm
Posts: 0
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oh by the way there are more than 3 plays on that

Posted : November 30, 2016 3:33 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

try posting like the rest do here or is that too much to ask . i know you can do it .after all your a giant in every way imaginable . and by the way the pot should never call the kettle black .

Posted : November 30, 2016 3:51 pm
Posts: 58609
Member Moderator

Hey Sharkey, I come on here to get opions and picks before the games, not by past posters. I've been keeping an eye on you and timmy, it seems like you guys know your shit! Thanks for the post.

Posted : November 30, 2016 3:57 pm
Posts: 36445
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hey shark just took a break, the guys and me, hope it's dry where your are, been raining like crazy here, all calls, for leaking roofs, and wet basements, i c that asshole is back, no matter my friend another spineless jelly fish, I can tell he is the type that likes to hide behind texts, and e-mails that's probaly how he conducts his daily business, trusts me shark a useless human being, in every sense of the word, who brings nothing to the table here, and i assume, anywhere else, i had 1 customer like him, a lawyer he didn't last very long, you have a lotta mouth asshole, would love to c you in my neck of the woods, another 1 shark, who was probally never picked, in a choose up game as a kid, the lord works in mysterious ways asshole, someday i hope our paths cross, a big fuckin zero, hey shark this type of guy will die alone, hey asshole i never saw a luggage rack on a hearst, have you

Posted : November 30, 2016 4:28 pm
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