Ok again boys we just keep goin
Over both TT f and g angs tigs and over f and g
Game over is a max
Over jints TT front end, over tex TT front end and over front end cards ml rl front end ml for game
Over jints TT front end, over tex TT front end and over front end cards ml rl front end ml for game
Over f and g in fish game
Live 6.5 TT mil front end live 9.5 game over
Mets ml rl front end over front end and over mets TT front end over zona TT for game
Live over 19 in fish rocks
Live over 11 in A's live over cinci TT 3 rough start smooth finish we go for
Over tor TT for game over bos TT for game and game over
Over 1 st half in ark game buy to 27
Live over to 62 in cmu
Over in buffs dak st to 51.5 unc to a pick
I missed sending 1 st half TT on n.dak st which was fuckin 12.5 my fault with football MLB and fuckin golf there will be misses it is what it not intentional boys which you know