We made a pay thanks to Hof game baseball was a tennis match 1 and 2 run games 6 total lus overs were right at or near the posted numbers, but managed a pay wash was smoke blow 3 run lead in 9th and Boston was a joke scoring 1, split wash Boston killed game over plus there team total, Det did what they needed to , it was a mix, with split'se some pushes and losses, but managed
Phil's RL f and g, O's ml f and g, pitt ml f and g all reg, EXCEPT pitt there max, over TT Balt Ray's, overf and g all max, over TT Det clev over f and g all max, over TT nats Braves over f and g all max
Minn RL f and g
Just hit Balt live ml -120
Hitting minn again for game
A's UNLIMITED RL f and g, UNLIMITED TT both over f and g
Just did live over 9 in cards max braves front 5 over in O's front 5 over in, waiting for live over in reds o'front ml in
Oak UNLIMITED RL f and g UNLIMITED TT both unlimited over f and g
Angels RL FRONT and game Phil's front in pitt is blowout,
Zona RL f and g mid over both TT over over f and g all max
Just hit minn live + 121
Rollin tonight boys
Go you fuckin mariners c'mon twins
We were right there front 5 with angs I will lives on A's and angs games checking numbers now
Go you fuckin DBACKS plus all the over plays