Happy holiday boys to all of you ur wives, girlfriends, and kids, nothing spectacular but in the green,we will take it, it was a strange week more so with teams that couldn't hold leads, and the multitude of half run losses, that's not the norm for us, would like to bury these fucks going into the break, no better time then now
Jints front 5 RL, fish ml front and game
Mets front 5 RL, over TT Ray's clev plus over f and g, minn front 5 ml, pitt game over
Fuckin jints couldn't muster 1 run at home these .5 losses are beginning to be a real big pain in the ass
Rays and minn finally woke up
Cubs ml front 5 and front 5 over, over both TT KC cinci
Go twins go mets go pitt over go rays and clev tt plus overs go everybody go fish UNLIMITED front 5 over inbosox game