I had this same 4 days last year I remember exactly nothing went right couldn't hit a play, and my bettors beat me those days also, this is day 5, the last day of my week, I broke out of it that day last year, so we will see today
Pho has been a surprise team 5-0, but fighting to get 9 seed they are a game out OKC already post season bound waiting on a few things
PHO 1 St q -2.5, pho game -6.5, pho mll
Doing a live on dallas
Also took pho plus 2.5
We grabbed Dallas and pho both, I don't know if any 1 noticed, but the public won big for 4 straight day, but day 5 is here now most of you guys remember my 4 day slump last year the exact same fuckin thing 4 days and then day five I exsploded
Max team total Phil's over, over front 5 and game max max
Max game play bucks -4 mid game over buy down
3-1 hometown boys already in the 2 nd
Hahaha Phils clear it in the 2nd ...aint nothing more Dangerous then a Motivated Timmy! Thank you!
I am pissed brother, ain't nothin worse then bookmaker/bettor who is pissed off and making nothing but grudge bets tonight
We hit 4 hits between Dallas and pho, TIGERS FRONT 5 AND GAME, OVER FRONT 5 AND GAME MAX was/Mets max game over
Doing a live on redsox as soon as avail
Bucks getting blown out 7 point fav get the fuck outta bucks -7 max 2 ND half
Unlimited over buy down Indi/mia