Max nuggs 1 st q in
Live over 97.5
Are y fuckin kidding me you get the ball back with 11 fuckin seconds instead of driving to the basket and drawing a foul, these street balling fuckin spooks run 10 fuckin second off the clock and fire and miss a three I prey for the day when these street balling punks and the nba goes to fuckin china fuckin brainless couldn't endorse there own checks if had to street balling punks
.5 loss 2 fuckin right side plays fucked indi TT for game live over 97.5 just now, it's fuckin grudge time now boys
I think Minn comes back and makes it a game dunno if they win or not though just my 1 1.5 cents
Unlimited live over 55 3rd q
Split 1 st half again just like prior
Banggggggggbggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg banggggggggbggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg banggggggggbggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg banggggggggbggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg they me and you I fuck them right back, you don't piss off guys we get everything back and alot more they wanna piss me off are they fuckin nuts, I sat in them backrooms boys
We fire tom we are in front again boys that's it
Round 3 wells Fargo will be out tonight bout 30'60 minutes on the golf thread
14 fuckin mother fuckin hits let me repeat 14 mother fuckin hits in mets game