We haven't had a day like in awhile, but am 0-3 on play in plays, which needs to turn last day of hoop season we went 7-0, I need to step up and fix those last 3 that went to shit
Over f and g Mets game reg
This is strictly a gut play no numbers involved, nether minn nor Sox have been lighting up the scoreboard and rghty on righty doesn't help but 2 high era's, hitter friendly park I that changes minn rl f and g over f and g just eg plays
This is strictly a gut play no numbers involved, nether minn nor Sox have been lighting up the scoreboard and rghty on righty doesn't help but 2 high era's, hitter friendly park I that changes minn rl f and g over f and g just reg plays
Front ends on both gams lokin good Mets over in we are right brothers for double hit in bosox front end
I found 2 Pennie’s on heads today Cavs!
Brother what were the 1 st words out of my mouth after ATL won I said can't wait to bet against the team cause clev will be a different story
Pitt rl front, ml game over f and g reg
Fish rl front ml game
Max over in yanks max ml rays
Max buy cavs
Over f and g in Detroit, brewers ml f and g, over f and g, cubs rl f and g, over f and g
Hitting cubs again rl both ends
As of right now we are 8-1 with multiple plays n progress and plays still to make, yanks game is a clunker, both ends extreme high era's both pitcher's and we have nothing to show for it on the scoreboad, both pitcher's for this year alone Montgomery 8.10, Lyle's 9.00
Braves ml front end mid Unlimited unlimited Unlimited game over in Seattle