As always we finished out and did fine especially with lakes, MLB was pretty much good all day
Over both TT 1st half and game sixers Knicks, philly 1 st q, Knicks 1st half, and for game buy as always where you can
Over cards TT f and g, over mets TT front end plus game over. Over both TT clev atl f and g and over front end, over dod TT front end, over A's TT f and g, over Balt TT game and over for game, over det TT for game, over nats TT f and g,
Is anybody in this fuckin game gonna hit a shot
Knicks 2q over 2q
Philly 1st q in
They woke the fuck up boys they must have heard me yellin
Live over in nats
If both teams hit only 5% of the shots they MISSED in the 1 st half just 5 fuckin 5% we get everything thing, unlimited 2 ND half over, in Knicks philly the shots have to start dropping there is know fuckin way they cant
57 in the 3rd that would have been the 1st and 2 ND too with just 5% better shooting from both teams
C'mon you fuckin knicks
Clipps 1 st q 1st half and over 1 st half
Go you nats and tigs
I can't fuckin believe what the fuck I am watching I can't fuckin believe itt
I am fuckin amazed simply fuckin amazed clipps 3 play are all max fuckin had it just like when we were going into lakes game last night fuckin had it we will grab 3 plays the side on Knicks for fuckin sure