Both nfl and nba are closed franchise leagues they basically just play make money and do it all over again if you suck guess what you get a good pick next year
Now compare it to soccernoverseas if you suck and you finish near last your team and club is going down to the lower league which means less revenue less money less pay etc etc ….that’s motivation
It would be like the Detroit lions now have to play in the xfl because they sucked win the xfl you can come back whoever wins it takes your spot
So tru surf unlimited over TT for game dbacks
We have hit 8 outta our last 10 MLB bets we ain't losingany money because of these punk fuckin street balling fucks
We will split 2 ND half bets
Where is the 1 st half nuggs all 4 spots play unlimited at it was sent and we nailed it
Nevermind saw it was rushing and sent to mon thread no matter bangggggggggggggggggg