We got fucked in atl game punk fuck fuckin hawks couldn't shoot 15-20% better on missed shots, not much to ask right plays for game got fucked, Cavs are covering hawks punk team yanks kc fronts in we will fire out and we will fuckin win
Unlimited 1 st q suns twice unlimited buy for game once, mid game over in A's, mid front rl padres
We will fire 2 ND half in suns game and live plus mlb
Suns live minus 1.5 unlimited
Pho live again minus 2.5 unlimited
Pho again 2nd half minus 5
Bangggggggggggggggggg bangggggggggggggggggg bangggggggggggggggggg bangggggggggggggggggg bangggggggggggggggggg suns not once not twice not three times not four but five never fuckin give up and always fire out