2-15 we couldn't catch a break if we saw both of those games played THURS and bet them the next day we have been on a run that is unmatched, we hit a brick wall yesterday tex game lose 1st q by a point, lose 1 st half int at the 12, lose alternative over by .5,1 POSSESSION game gets us every play in that game 1 possession gets us v tech buy up, we start our new run today, the very blood that runs through there veins we will extract
We are either going to sink or swim right out of the gate today, liberty 1 St q, mid liberty game buy mid alternative game over unlimited I taught by 1 of the best many years back always go with an original fav, when there is large line movement 44 should be eclipsed with out a problem
This Liberty QB is a deer in headlights, they may not score at all.
Fuckin cursed this mother fucker fumbles again inside the 10 in fuckin real this cocksucker again in scoring position again fuckin fumbles fuckin cursed 14 points right there right the fuck there
Correction 2 TD's and a missed fg so 17 mother fuckin points
Well boys there's your alternative over and even game 2 mother fuckin fumbles in scoring position inside the 10 and a missed fg
Fuckin bad beats 3 straight games, we will finish out the day on the pros and HOOPS
Are fuckin sick to ur stomach boys, another score by buff, and 3 scores by liberty that they just gave away gift wrapped
Glad I was hiking in the woods
so it really was
“give me liberty or give me death”
Taken balt 1 st half
Are you fuckin kiddin me 4th and 3 And and these fuckin rat bastard ravens don't kick an fg are we gonna get fucked again
Fuckin bullshit these mother fuckin rat are running this clock down cock sucking rat bastard get the ball back with 2 min and let 35 sec tick off
You think these games ain't rigged get the fuck outta here when did ever see this mother fucker run a 2 minut offense like that never and 4 th and 3 at the clev 20 you kick a field goal I these mother fuckers die all of them ntex tex st fuckin v tech liberty ravens especially that rat fuckin bastard jackson piece of shit you think these games ain't rigged
Clev 2 ND half plus 10 live over in sivers 216
Game over pistons