3 units on Wake forest +6.5
1U on Wake forsest ML to win 2 U
YTD: +13 units
Lets get it playa
Lets get it indeed
home dawgs today
adding Charllote 2h 2U
We hit charllote 2h
YTD: +15 Units
Nice hit on second halfnplay son.
Thanks and nice hit on WF 1h on ur part too. Im thinking about firing WF 2h
Mo point on firing on secondbalf for me w game tied and the line being +4.5 +190. Game is tied. It’s essentials doubly up on original play. Lets hope they hVe more faith in WF QB. Last few calls were embarrasing. Let the kid grow. Call some plays. Be aggressive. Play to win not to lose
fired 3U on 2h WF +4
Why not. Lets roll w it. Ill tail second half play for 2u. I got it at 4.5 tho.
Thursday Night football
Bengal +1
8 unit play