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OK heres is my take on this years superbowl screw trends !

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OK lets look at NYG giants losers schedule 1st off they played 9 games vs losers from last year that is losing records non playoff teams !

Redskins 6-10 twice and lost both times to them and dont tell me they werent healthy week 1 and week 15 whyen making a playoff run !

played Rams 7-9 @ Zona 5-11 Seahawks 7-9 (lost the game at home 1 pm east also ) Bills 4-12 squeaked 3 point no cover win

Fins 7-9 squeaked 3 point win @ 9ers 6-10 then cowboys twice 6-10 and week 16 as HOME dog vs Jets 29-14 and after this amazing 9-7 season they wound up minus points for the season scored 394 gave up 400 ! and a very weeak + 8.5 yards per game with a very weak plus 3 in to's

Patriots much tougher schedule San d 9-7 - @ raiders 8-8 NYJ tiwce 13-6 @ Pitts 14-5 NYG 10-6 KC 10-7 Eaqgles 10-7 Indy 10 -7 then all goobers last 4 games redskins @ wash Whome giants got trounced by twice by two td's Patriots won by 7 then @ donkeys Miami and revenge game vs bills won final 8 games of year and check this out folks

thier defense was far better secondhalf of year as far as points alloweed in redzone They gave up fewer td's than anyone !

YOU got a FG but NO end zone! PLaus check this out folks Patriots were way plus points 513 scored and less points allowed than Giants 342 thats a huge differnce

yes Patriots gave up 48 less points than Giants did and and They out gained ooopents by 17.8 yards per game and and they were way stronger in PLUS turnovers at PLUS 17 !

NOw for the non stats emotional stuff and wacky sceneario that made this matchup happen !

1st off soon as Pats MOMMY passed away Myra Kraft their whole season was devoted to her !

SO i see divine intervention happening in finals that SF had back up punt returner in that coughed up the ball twice to give the game away !

Then find out why Cundiff miseed FG ! Which desent mean balty would still win game in OT !

THE score board had wrong Down showing so cundiff didnt have time to preapare his routine ! HC and Him shuld have called time out BOTH are at fault for that !

SO with all this other non stat stuff going on the same season revenge angle also on BILL B's side never losing twice to same team in same year that has same QB for past 11 seasons

HE gets that game CD and all your other games played and will be so prepared to beat you ! With TOM at his side and the defense cooridinator also !

I'm not taking anything away from Giants but even tho they broke that 0-13 streak that teams after upsetting Champs in Playoffs lost thier next Playoff game and all that other weird stuff that happend !

Brady eraeses that blemish and wins again and it will be large than 3 point margin this time i have patriots 11 points better than gianst counting the playoff games also
G men played 19 game Patriots played 18 total and Patriots are way more plus than giants at plus 13 PPG Giants counting the playoff games wound up plus 1.8 points per game so i round that up to +2

Fainal score will be Patriots 35 giants 24

I expect G mens key players injuries to pop up before half time watch Giants Center and OSIE and The Hammy's and other parts pop up on Bradshaw or jacobs !

This will severly hurt Giants .... o yeah Gronk most likely will not be playinmg much at all if he can !

BUT patriots still hve many more weapons on Offense RB Faulk , WR Deion Branch Wes welker TE Hernandez RB Ben Jarvis

Too much going on that made this matchup happen for Patriots they wanted to get to Superbowl and IF Brady wins he has 4 wins and soildifes his HOFER staus as one of the best QB's of our time YOU saw play !

Posted : January 29, 2012 12:18 pm
Posts: 27
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Well i'm verygood at picking superbowl winners and winning bet ! had a streak of 12 years going until the Cowboys WON but did not cover 14 points vs steelers they won by 10 points !

Beings it's friday right now i would get an uneasy feeling in my gut then keep trying to enforce my choice on my own looking for signs of the team i pick to win and cover !

Last year i had steelers chosen all year to go in and win it all boy did i get that queasy feeling last year ! Picked packers in november as the matchup !

I was stuck on steelers with friend for $100 personal bets he owed from playoffs !

Other Freind said bill i'm going with you , i shook my head and told Him Larry no i'm wrong steelers lose and it fly's over the total !

This year NO uneasy feeling i'm feeling strong on Patriots

IT's goofy that the weak Giants got here , 3-3 in DIV teams never even got out of playoffs NEVER !any team in the bowl had a winning div record 4-2 -5-1 6-0

Remember this fact i said above Giants were out scored for 16 games they gave up more points than they scored

Giants final game they needed two breaks to win that game

OMG they reviewed the ball hitting his knee WTF was that ? I never saw a review like that before !
Then the muff in OT and boy were the Giants gasping then they were gassed on defense ! IF San Fran had stronger passing game they would be at the bowl !

EVERY where i see in other forums people talk about that 0-13 streak of teams who beat the champs in playoffs losing next playoff game so that went down everything else will go down that this fraud 9-7 team wins again that Manning is Brady's nemesis it's NEW York Vs Boston series like Yankees vs RedSox

BUT they are not the Boston Patriots anymore THEY are the NEW England Patriots !

I will stay on Bill bellichick hardly ever losing twice to same team in same year discount the Broncos twice when NE was going for 3 st wins !

That never happened in NFL superbowl history YET

teams change drastically year to year offensives coaches asstiants gone to other teams change teams !
Many people talk that the giants have Better weapons at thier disposal ! HUH? where at where is those game breaker wr's ManningHam and Cruz ?

THEY say that GRONK not playing or sure not at 100% will enforce Giants wager HELLO he is only 1 TE they are loaded with talent with former superbowl winners on thier side !

heres thier list

Kevin Faulk #33 Running Back been there 4 times with Pats

Deion Branch #84 Wide Receiver was at seattle when Pats lost to G men in bowl

Chad Ochocinco #85 Wide Receiver ok he was not there in finals due to death of his dad he has talent we know that he has to really step up either blocking or stretch G mens defense
to set up others over the middle !

Wes Welker #83 Wide Receiver been there since 2007

Hernandez the other TE is also good

Giants wr's


Ballard, Jake






Ohio State



Barden, Ramses






Cal Poly



Beckum, Travis









Clayton, Michael









Cruz, Victor









Hixon, Domenik









Jernigan, Jerrel









Manningham, Mario









Nicks, Hakeem






North Carolina



Pascoe, Bear






Fresno State



Thomas, Devin






Michigan State

Rb's ya know them Bradshaw and Jacobs and Jacobs this year was ehhhhhhhh not so good alone Bradshaw missed 4 games due to injury
which i expect to pop up during game and limit his action again

Patriots yes they have many ??? on starters but all are Healthy and at practice

Gronk was at practice today but do not count on him being 100%

I didnt list all players on Patriots just the ones that have beeen there done that THE true Vets that know what it takes to win a championship

I 'am not bashing ELI or Giants team they are just the best of the rest woe be gones in NFC

49ers looked great because of playing 11 games vs losers but the way the NFL was so wacko and weak this year i thought for sure they could dispose of giants

but that game vs saints exausted 49ers offense they did win though but had to put up 36 points to do it 1

Giants are a good team well coached but a very Weak team , nad plaese dispell that stat that the higher seeded is bad bets in superbowls

Saints Colts both were #1 seeds
Rams titans i think Titans won divison that year i forget it was too long ago to rember that was a push at 7

THE Year Giants won was because they played them in WEEK 17 at NYG so it was within 3 weeks that they got to play Pats again and that Year Giants were far stronger at 10-6 in a much tougher Divsion and Confernce

Cowboys Bucs and Packers in playoffs

Vegas got buried that year in That Superbowl as far as sides and Totals went I heard direct from friends who live inVegas and saw runners of known shraps bet Giants on the money line for 10 g';s at + 450 wooooooo hooo what a payday !

THE square Whales ON G men also ya the ones who can wager million dollars on 1 side but Vegas dosent move lines with thier action these guys are just wealthy squares i seen them in action here in east coast at AC casinos i luagh my ass off quietly when i hear them place wagers !

ME i'm your normal Player i wager what i can afford i stay within the sharps rules of betting no more than 5% of bankroll i never blow my profits on the superbowl
however some years i know i got it and will shoot 3/4 's of bankrool on the side !

This year i'm going on Patriots for $2200 thats half of my profits for NFL season !
BUT i'm holding off till tomorrow i have special tool i use on every player and coach on each team that was daed accurate last year on Steelers and Packers

packers BOTH woodson and top wr driver were out of game before half time Steelers i knew BIG ben was limping around and Troy P was not 100% healthy

BIG ben lost that game tossing INT's
I do not think NFL wanted a rapist to win it anyway they didnt even want him in That Bowl last year !

But thier competition was a joke in Playoffs by the time JETS got to them they were gassed on 3rd str8 roadie

OK i'm Rambling on and sorry for typos and run on's from one stat to another etc... i'm not good typing online i cant transfer my thoughts on a key board clearly to others

in person i have it all written down and show how i break down the game

the teams season etc..!

Posted : February 3, 2012 10:13 am