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Posts: 151
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Sorry to disappoint fellas... opening this thread won't reveal today's picks but your parting feedback has left me inspired, and I thank you all for it.

Like Mike said, I've been coming to this site since 2008 and as a daily reader until recently, it saddens me to say that having to sort through the constant trash of TGTT, I won't be coming back nearly as often anymore. It's my humble pie opinion, but the dude just drags down the quality of the product this otherwise great site offers with his constant, useless regurgitation; especially when he's missed his seroquel dose.

The only thing that could get me to post again on a continual basis would be the banning of TGTT1961 and his blow buddy, but because I believe in the freedom of speech and the fact that these guys are free to run their business as they see fit, no matter how senseless that 'speech' might be, I can't in good faith ask Mike/Blade to boot these clowns. Aside form the fact they'd probably delete the post, it also would be a slap in the face of the Admins if I were to say something like 'come follow me in X forum for my picks', so I'm not going to do that either. Plus, I don't visit any other forums because unlike this one until TGTT, they're all littered with clowns just like him. Which is why I came here (versus 'there') until recently.

One of you made a suggestion of me providing my picks via email, which I'm willing to do. For those of you interested... email me at . After a short, personal verification process for me to confirm your neither of the DB's I'm leaving this forum to avoid... you'll again receive my picks. Live game/2H plays included. There's no reason to penalize the whole basket because of a few bad apples.

Come get 'em if you want 'em.

Posted : December 15, 2016 3:59 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Unfortunately Kevin, I can’t do that and I can’t have you poaching our business either. I’m sad to see anyone go, actually that’s not true, I actually enjoy it when some people go. But I am sad to see anyone go who has been coming for so long that hasn’t caused us any problems.

At the end of the day though, we have been at this for almost 20 years at this point in one form or another and the comings and goings over that time are many.

The site as a whole is bigger than any one person. Even me. If you gotta go, you gotta go but we’re in the business of pushing gambling info, not managing personalities. Best of luck and thanks for the picks.

Posted : December 15, 2016 10:12 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

all this from a fucken convict well convict your a big POS .just try some of the disrespect on your fellow inmates youll be bent over so many times youll look like a jack knife . by the way howd that dallas game taste . good riddence . yellow belliy 😛

Posted : December 15, 2016 10:49 am
Posts: 274
Reputable Member

Dude you and Timmy don't give up do you? You're f'ing children, always looking to respond to something negative that someone said, instead of just moving on. If you were half the man you pretend to be, you'd have grown up by now, but you're not. Give it a rest and stop being such a butt hurt baby all the time. No one wants to read your guys constant bitching.

Posted : December 15, 2016 11:49 am
Posts: 1540
Noble Member

all this from a fucken convict well convict your a big POS .just try some of the disrespect on your fellow inmates youll be bent over so many times youll look like a jack knife . by the way howd that dallas game taste . good riddence . yellow belliy 😛

You gonna call him out on 1 bad play?
Is 70% not the goal? Compare his record w tiny tims and he blew him out the water. Lmao how u call him out on one play. I challenge u sir to post ur plays. Lets see if u can go above .500

Tiny tim must bet the minimum on all his plays. Cant see how he can bankroll his consistently lousy plays. It is like playing penny slots at the casino for free beer

Posted : December 15, 2016 12:10 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

you do well to mind your own buisness fella . 😉

Posted : December 15, 2016 12:12 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I've gotta admit, I'm starting to grow tired of this back and forth nonsense about who sucks and who is a piece of shit and all that. I try hard not to censor anyone but to just go on and on and on serves no purpose.

So, I'm gonna lock this thread, I don't think anything productive will be gained by keeping it open.

If Kevin chooses to posts again that's great, if he doesn't it's time to close this chapter and move on.

I'd also appreciate it if nobody else creates anymore threads for the sole purpose to run their mouth. Post picks, read picks, watch TV, I don't care but I'm over this dialogue. Time to move on.

Posted : December 15, 2016 12:17 pm