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Pick Wiz Plays 1/1

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Saturday: 6-0 +13,162 (ssssshhhhhh.....)

Clemson game is still in progress and while the angry elf's continue to dump their wodden nickles and dimes on the wrong side, I'm call'in it now while its 24-0 after tossing another INT in Q4. There's little doubt I'll be up in time tomorrow am, so onto tomorrow's plays (get 'em in tonight if you can, some lines are ripe in number and value... I don't expect it will be the case when we wake tomorrow)...

Baltimore -1 (-115) 1150/1000 (No Green; Cin)
Washington -7.5 (-105) 1050/1000 (Albeit a slim chance Was has something to play for, Giants don't)
Seattle -9 (-105) 1050/1000 (No Hyde and a full dose of Wilson)
New Orleans +8 1100/1000 (Breese has been on fire again, last time they played the line was -2)
Green Bay -3 (-120) 1200/1000 (R-E-L-A-X is the better QB here and he'll show it)

4, 2 Team RR Parlay ($300) 1800/4596 - Sea, Balt, NO, GB

The hatters will hate... so let them do it, and lets just ignore them...


Posted : December 31, 2016 11:08 pm
Posts: 1540
Noble Member

Cheers brother!

Posted : December 31, 2016 11:49 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member

hey dickhead i believe i am on the opp. side of every 1 of your plays, brilliant calls asswipe, you continue to make a fool of yourself, but i guess you feel compelled to do so, stay on the porch, little puppy you will never run with the big dogs

Posted : January 1, 2017 6:43 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member

1 other thing nitwit i believe i gave clem. out 3 ways on the game last night, keep pissing in a cup, and in the wind, your a punk, who we would send home crying to his mommy, where i am from stay on the porch little boy

Posted : January 1, 2017 7:11 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Timmy man, when are we gonna stop all this shit for real? You were doing so good, days and days you don't say shit, you're the bigger man and then today you just go off the rails. I'm actually starting to get emails about you two and how people are sick of it. At some point someone has to be the bigger man and let it go for real.

You're all about the wins right? Making money, helping one another? Lets cut this shit out and get back to work.

Posted : January 1, 2017 7:27 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member

H ey mike am going to be real fuckin clear period, he is the punk with the comments, i don't speak unless spoken to in a shit way, so if this is the kind of punk you want or need on this site to make a few bucks so be it, am i coming through loud and clear, a punk is what he is, and was when he came on here, and still is, I will tell you and any 1 else certain comments made by this punk will never be forgotten, shit sells i guess, so if that's what your looking for, I will be glad to spread the news full of dirt on the additional 4 sites i am on, about the class of people,your drawing here, kind of reminds me of the old 1-900 numbers, snap out of it man

Posted : January 1, 2017 8:49 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

very hard not to respond to that type . im with you all the way timmy . set up a face to face with this guy mike please !

Posted : January 1, 2017 8:55 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

hey mike you make a transcript of the two and you will see who the instgator is and then mabey things will be clearer to you on this im sure the emails are somewhat bias on this matter.

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:17 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I'm going to make it real clear to you Timmy, you disrespect me or my place again, you're done here.

I'm not sure if you got into the bottle today or what but you are making some real bad choices right now.

I tried to be nice and just let you know, you can turn the other cheek and be the bigger man. Nothing I said to you was rude or disrespectful, to come at me like that, someone who has stood up for you - you're out of line.

This forum makes me ZERO money, I leave it up because it keeps Blade employed and I told him he would have a job with me as long as he wants one and it serves as a catch all for all the other shit I don't have a place for.

I can turn it off today and the only ones it will hurt is all of you, no more service plays, no more newsletters, no more anything. Remember that.

And one more thing, if you think for a second you are going to threaten me and make me choose you being a poster here or putting up with your disrespect, I'll choose to show you the door every time.

If you choose to respond to me, choose your words carefully. Otherwise, I don't need a response.

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:19 pm
Posts: 1540
Noble Member

Mike... everytime i see u post...
All i wanna do is zoom in on ur profile picture lmao.

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:22 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

hey mike you make a transcript of the two and you will see who the instgator is and then mabey things will be clearer to you on this im sure the emails are somewhat bias on this matter.

I don't give a fuck Sharkey, I'm at my breaking point. You are grown as fucking men. GROWN. ADULTS. All three of you are acting like fucking children. I'm not a fucking babysitter. I'm not a fucking censor.

It's out of control. This shit has been going on for over a month. A FUCKING MONTH, don't you think that is unreasonable Sharkey? Seriously, you think it's ok as a grown ass man to wake up every morning, sign onto the internet and start spewing shit out of your mouth?

I'm tired of it. Not just you, not just PickWiz, not just Timmy. All of it. It's wearing on me and I'm over it. I've got a business to run, I've got employees to manage, I've got an old lady and two kids. I don't have time for this. I'm done. It stops now. It's a new year and I'm not allowing it to continue into 2017.

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:25 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member

Won't lose any sleep over it, if you wish to cater to the punks do so i have my own domain, and draw what i want, i was on this site when you 1st started, stick with the guys who have stuck with you, when you were in your infant stages, these punks today have 0 respect, and when they cut in to a man's family then they r done, as far as i am concerned,

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:33 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Then have some fucking respect. I am asking all of you to stop, respect my wishes and we have no problem.

There is no end game here, you aren't going to anyone's hometown, nobody is going to kick anyone else' ass. What is the fucking end game? There isn't one. So am I just suppose to let all of you repeat the same ignorant behavior day after day after day?

Because, if I don't step in it will continue. Because it hasn't stopped yet. After all this time.

But I can't have this. People don't like it, I don't like it. You've seen the other posters telling you guys they don't like it and to knock it off. I can show you the emails we've gotten asking me why I am allowing this to continue.

This is not what I started in this business for, it's fucking stupid. I'm not a daycare operator. Adults should not be behaving in this manner for this extended period of time. People get upset, people argue. Reasonable people don't carry on an insult battle for fucking 6 weeks.

Everyone needs to grow the fuck up and you should be able to do it without me telling you to do it.

I'm not catering to anyone. I'm as pissed at you as I am at everyone else that doesn't know how to control themselves. It will stop today, I promise you that.

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:40 pm
Posts: 36443
Illustrious Member

I am a family man also as you know 5 kids + the grand kids,and have my own construction bus 22 employees .I will respect your wishes, there will be no further posts, good luck my friend, I mean that

Posted : January 1, 2017 9:54 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

That's better, thank you.

And to be clear, I don't want you to stop being yourself, but this shit between you and Sharkey and Pick Wiz has to stop. People are growing tired of it and it's going nowhere.

I don't want you to be something you are not but instead of going to 10 or 11 right off the bat lets try to start at a 3 or a 4 when someone pisses you off.

It's just a sports betting talk forum dude, it's not that serious. It's suppose to be fun. I'm not having much fun these last few weeks.

Posted : January 1, 2017 10:33 pm
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