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Pick Wiz Plays 12/29

10 Posts
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Posts: 151
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Butler -8.5 1100/1000
Auburn -1.5 1100/1000
VT -7 1100/1000


Posted : December 29, 2016 4:14 pm
Posts: 401
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Posted : December 29, 2016 7:04 pm
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New Member Guest

i m sorry ranger i would like that to but when someone thinks they are imortal its hard to ignore . enjoy his run while it lasts i just hate to see good people get beat by some one like this guy little loseing run and the funny scorecards start coming in . believe me nobody but no one can sustain 65% winners for any leanth of time unlike mr imortal would have you all think .

Posted : December 29, 2016 8:31 pm
Posts: 58608
Member Moderator

i m sorry ranger i would like that to but when someone thinks they are imortal its hard to ignore . enjoy his run while it lasts i just hate to see good people get beat by some one like this guy little loseing run and the funny scorecards start coming in . believe me nobody but no one can sustain 65% winners for any leanth of time unlike mr imortal would have you all think .

Sharkey, I couldn't agree more...I have been doing this shit for over 40 years and have yet to see anyone win 65% of the time! And you are right he is an arogant asshole!

Posted : December 29, 2016 8:46 pm
Posts: 36445
Illustrious Member

Boy i am glad i am not the only 1 who picked that out from the get go, good for you bama my brother, you speak the truth, and the veterans, can c through the smoke screen, 38 years for me, I have seen the punks come and go, arrogant punks don't live a good long life, they get exsterminated, like all the rest of the household bugs

Posted : December 29, 2016 11:05 pm
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blah blah blah. talk talk talk. I don't see anyone else asking for your picks clowns. ANYTIME ANY OF YOU want to step up with your money and put me to the test (I've already challenged Tiny and he went silent...) I'm right here. Put your money where your fat mouths are. BH, Minnow... I'll give you both the same offer I did Tiny... either of you want to put up a grand and do two weeks of picks vs me? (please say yes).... Tiny.... my offer still stands.... always will...

Posted : December 30, 2016 2:36 am
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Nice NEGATIVE SIX and THREE Karma Minnow and Tiny. Like my +17? Says what the people think about us respectively doesn't it? Over 300 views and you three jokers are the only one's who have voiced issue with me, not just today... ever. Everyone else is either laughing (generally at your expense) thanking me or asking for more. Honestly, I'd come back daily and post the picks people are asking for but I'm tired of dealing with you two clowns. You jokers make it too hard for me not to be the villain; which is fun in its self but how about you try just leaving me the fuck alone, stop putting yourselves on front street continually like this for a change and see how that works out. Look back and find the last time I commented on any of your topics... you guys are the one's continually coming to mine regardless of what I do or say. 'Don't like what I say? Skip over it. Be a big boy. I don't so much as read your garbage anymore. Few do. GO AWAY or step up to my challenge. Winner takes a grand and loser goes away from this forum. Two simple solutions. I'd be happy if you gave either a try. I know everyone else would too.

Posted : December 30, 2016 2:44 am
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New Member Guest

you are a faker and a little prick to boot as for picking aganst you why should i give anything to you and heres a question just why are you giving shit away for free im sure you arent someone like you wouldnt give anthing away your too much of a wise ass prick i know a place where you would not such a wise ass tough guy inside c block you would treat people with respect in there or you would be bent over so many times youd look like a jack knife only in here the little boy thinks he is a giant because he hides behind the chat room walls . try puting up truthfull scorecards faker . i knew that would come with a few losers its the first thing fakers do cheat when things go the other way enough said i dont talk to chat room bullys bye now little rat

Posted : December 30, 2016 10:05 am
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New Member Guest

time to run home to momy little boy . rember your the one with the big boasting and berateing of others in here now things get a little hot in the kitchen an little boy heads for cover your a chicken shit if you cant take shit then dont dish it out . your nothing more than a 2 bit tinhorn . now go cry to momy fairy!

Posted : December 30, 2016 10:23 am
Posts: 274
Reputable Member

Wiz I went through the same thing w/ these old farts and they don't get it. This was back during baseball season. As I said before, I don't understand trolling other peoples posts at this point, it's just juvenile.

Posted : December 30, 2016 2:42 pm