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Pizza Box Football

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Bought the board game Pizza Box Football to break the monotony of being trapped indoors all winter on the desolate plains of Nebraska (currently it's -20 wind chill with 10" snow on the ground). It's fun and fairly realistic - a nice break from the computer, tv and reading.

Anyone else ever play the game?

Man cats are tough mother effers! A feral cat showed up at my place last month and has been sleeping outside in an unheated barn all through this subzero weather. I've been putting out lots of food and water for him to help him make it.

If you admire toughness, intelligence, grit and courage you should respect cats. I could write a book about cats - very cool animals.

All the best to community during this holiday season!

Posted : December 20, 2008 9:31 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Never heard of the game Big 10, what is it all about?

I am a cat person also. We have two silver and white Bengal cats. They are a mix between a domestic cat and an asian snow leopard. Very cool pets. Very entertaining also, they fight like some shit you would see on the animal planet. I actually have to separate them sometimes.

Happy holidays to you as well

Posted : December 20, 2008 10:24 pm
Posts: 19
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Never heard of the game Big 10, what is it all about?

I am a cat person also. We have two silver and white Bengal cats. They are a mix between a domestic cat and an asian snow leopard. Very cool pets. Very entertaining also, they fight like some shit you would see on the animal planet. I actually have to separate them sometimes.

Happy holidays to you as well

Hi Michael:

It's a football board game. The name is derived from the fact it comes in a box that looks like a pizza box. You open it up and it folds out into a football field which is neat. Has 13 color coded dice and lots of charts that determine the results of various offensive plays, defenses, kicks, fumbles, etc. literally all phases of a real games. Sounds complex but it isn't. It's not perfect but it is fun, statistically realistic and can be played solitaire which is what I was looking for.

The details of the game would require too much time to explain but you can get details and see a picture of it at their website

Check out the thread on it
Damn those gamers take their stuff serious! You can almost envision these guys loosening their ties, rolling up their sleeves and commencing swinging when they disagree about the relative merits of the games they play. LOL!!!

It's good to know that you are a cat person. I have always found that if a person likes cats they are generally very decent people. You have a couple of special cats for sure - post a pic of them sometime if you can.

I own 3 cats from the days of my cat rescue operation when I lived in a town. All are all nondescript strays that I couldn't find homes and are now family and I wouldn't give up for any blue ribbon winner. Sam, who showed up on my porch eight years ago with her leg busted completely in half is sleeping at my feet as I type. Money can't buy the enjoyment I now get watching her sprinting around the yard and climbing trees and just enjoying being alive. They've paid me back many times over. Just as the black feral cat will when he decides to trust me and he becomes part of the family. 🙂

Okay enough of that from me - back to football. What a fantastic few weeks of football we have ahead of us! Life is good. !

Posted : December 21, 2008 12:21 am