We had to wait for all out assault on usf but made it and we would have had 2 ND half over
Max live Pitt 10.5
Live over 42 max
If I would have stayed with the 2 ND half over last night that I said we would probably due
Over 23 2 ND half
2 bad beats these fuckinr rat bastards both overs right side bets fuckin pissed now boys both fuckin overs were right side 1 fuckin possession for both fuckin pissed gave some back
Over 1 st h and both max buys
And game overs
What the fuck is going on with this play calling by this fuckin idiot for hou fuck the runs and handoffs are you fuckin kidding me these fuckin cock sucking fuckin punks at the 5 turn the fuckin ball over on fuckin downs these fuckin rat bastards cock sucking fuckin punks turn the fuckin ball over on downs inside the 5 this mother fuckin 1st half over should be over by a mile already punk fuckin so called pros get the fuck outta here
No ucin excuse for this 1st half not to eclipse 22.5 no fuckin excuse vengeance is sayeth the lord
Fucked we ain't losing this 2 ND half unlimited over 22
Or the fuckin game over got fucked 1 st game both overs right side plays we ain't losing this fuckin game over or 2 ND half over