13-13 you might think split, no lost on kst big they finally got me after a long run cause I stepped out on k st, instead of betting the same amount of well no sweat we go right back at em
Tenn over same, cinci over same, pats over same, hou 1 st h Alf and game over 1st half and game, over in minn, jet over same atl max jets max
Jets and atl again over in was again
Go you fuckin bengals
Atl again over pats again
Live overs tenn cinci games ne again
Fuckin bad beats early games fuckin cock sucker for atl just drops a 1st down throw at the 10 fuckin kicker misses 35 yard fg earlier in the fuckin game and fuckin cousins just throws an int
Carolina and saints over and over in buc
Saints as of this minute we are 9-4 thank God we doubled up with live bets on overs
Saints again unlit on Balt mid play game over reg play over 1 st
To recap we have car twice so far saints 3 times and over in both games
And the Balt game plays
We went 16-7 at 1:00
Fuckin amazing we had bad beats in every fuckin game almost but over came them missed fg's missed Xtra points, wide open dropped balls except pit cinci game Murray int last drive in zona, fuckin jets Rogers int last drive gave that fuckin game away, Balt now 1st q over 9.5 missed Xtra point etc.but still managed fuckin Lamar Jackson just now receiver wide the fuck open no one around him and would have gone in for six there's our 1 st q over
Almost forgot fuckin cousins int last drive int, all those games 1 possession