Philly game ate into the winnings a little bit only 2 live over hits that's ok
Bolts mid 1st q plus over 1 st a and unlimited game buy over X 2
Live over 45
Live over 48 I have been trying to sign the fuckin hear for 20 fuckin min
Are you mother fuckin kidding me are they trying to stick this fuckin game up our ass go for fuckin 2 with 13 min left in the fuckin game Xtra point gives you an 8 point mother fuckin lead
How the fuck do you drop a ball on 3rd and6 wide the fuck open
They are sticking this right up our fuckin ass he was all over him and they pick up the flag fuckin cock sucking refs
We should have been 1 st and goal at the 6 fuckin scumbag fuckin refs I hope these cock suckers get stabbed when they exit the game the whole fuckin world saw it
Retribution back door
Can any of these mother fuckers for SD catch a fuckin ball
These fuckin spook receivers for SD should all be fuckin shot
These fuckin spook receivers for SD should all be fuckin shot fuckin punks
These fuckin spook receivers for SD should all be fuckin shot fuckin punks
Like I said boys retribution back door all the overs including the lives